Optimistic Rollups: Tokens - lukso-network/network-optimism-integration-test GitHub Wiki


Each token that wants to use this chain deploys its own token bridge contract. This is registered on the POA side who treat balance made here as POA chain deposits. When optimistic rollups are ready to join they can update token bridges with their fraud proofs. This is opt in for the projects who now can choose when to use optimistic rollups. Once we enter phase 2 an optimistic token bridge is not secure. A super majority of the Authority can still make data un-available and steal from the token bridges. In this stage we replace some of the Authorities with optimistic rollups. This means that if an Authorities makes an illegal state transition its attestation can be undone. If a super majority of Authorities migrate to optimistic rollup then we can roll back illegal state transitions.

Optimism guys have made the decision for now not to use native ETH, and instead do everything with wrapped ETH (WETH). Note: CALLVALUE is actually able to be whitelisted, because our Purity Checker enforces that all Calls are made with a value of 0. Contracts are welcome to use msg.value, it will just always return 0. This means that the following opcodes are banned, not just transpiled: - BALANCE -- gets address(this).balance While not a ban, another note here is that all value-related inputs to other opcodes like CREATE or CALL are overridden to 0 by their transpiled counterparts. We do have good inline documentation for how a native value could be added if needed. Another option is we could even transpile the native ETH opcodes to use WETH instead.