Project Plan & Schedule - lukehsiao/RobotSoccer GitHub Wiki

Project Plan & Schedule

Development Schedule

January 7:

  • Obtain all electronics and parts from the Shop.
  • Obtain motors, motor drivers, and control boards from the Shop.
  • Obtain cameras from the Shop.
  • Obtain simulator from the website and make sure you can run it.

January 14:

  • Preliminary design of body. Cut body parts.
  • Motors can spin at user specified rate.
  • Ability to capture images and perform color segmentation.
  • Implement one offensive and one defensive strategy on simulator.

January 21:

  • One robot assembled and parts connected.
  • Robot can spin in place.
  • Ability to detect LEDs on robots from range.
  • Successfully compete in simulator competition using several different offensive and defensive strategies.

January 28:

  • Vision jersey developed and assembled.
  • Robot moves at commanded linear speed v, and angular rate omega.
  • Four cameras in place and communicating via ROS architecture.
  • First thin thread - Obtain state estimates from vision process communicate to robots, robots spin in response

February 4:

  • Successfully complete skills competition
  • Find current position and orientation of robots on field, as well as position of ball. Assume everything is static
  • System architecture ready for skills competition
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️