Project Meeting Notes - lukehsiao/RobotSoccer GitHub Wiki
This page contains minutes for all the team's project meetings, organized by date.
We lost a competition for the first time this week! We have the kicker implemented, and it is pretty smooth and powerful. However, the algorithm does not allow our robot to defend as aggressively, giving other teams enough time to score w/ their more basic algorithms. We've also finalized the decision that the last competition will be 1 v 1.
To Do:
- Improve our tactics to be more competitive.
- Add ball prediction to the location management (we don't want to miss the ball like last time!)
- Trim down our metrics to adapt for the change in the final competition (moving to 1v1).
- Create Final Presentation
- Create Final Report
It's been too long since we've met. We're still the #1 spot, but we have some high priority tasks to accomplish in order to keep it that way.
- Refactor Python code (use subfolders)
- Add ball prediction to the location management (we don't want to miss the ball like last time!)
- Implement the kicker (nearly done)
- Vision: give coordinates of the center of the robots
- Fine tune behavior when robot/ball is right next to goal (add angle!)
Design Review 2 is done. Andrew has done a lot of work with the Kalman filters and has significantly enhanced our calibration scripts. We also were able to win at the first 1v1 robot competition!
To Do:
- Luke: Add home/away and saving settings to Vision Code, then optimize like crazy.
- Andrew: Kicker & Kalman Filters (synchronize clocks)
- Luna: Enhance movement libraries in Python in prep for next competition
- TEAM: Make another backup of the Odroid SD Card
As a class, we've progressed to the point of nearly having well-defined jersey specifications. We've decided the general space and the individual colors for each.
At this point, our challenge is getting everything moving correctly, and working on the software architecture.
- Luke: Added code for multiple robots and fine-tuned camera undistortion
- Andrew: Created code to pull timestamps from images and improved PID calibration.
- TEAM: Finish Test Plan for Business Lecture
- Ammon: Create strategy for 1v1 based on Luna's skills To Do:
- Luke: Study Kalman filters and gain a basic understanding of what everyone else is working on.
- Andrew: Kicker & Kalman Filters (synchronize clocks)
- Luna: Enhance movement libraries in Python in prep for next competition
Today was pivotal in that we established the structure of our software architecture. We've split into three primary levels of abstraction:
- Kalman Filter (Andrew): In charge of moving to a given point and a given angle accurately. Then, provided the best possible predicted values to the higher levels
- Skills (Luna): In charge of path-finding and basic skills (e.g. move behind ball, or go to point)
- Plays (Ammon & Clover): Utilize the skills to develop strategies and plays on a high level.
We've created a chart (in progress) which can be found here: Robot Soccer AI
- Andrew: First implementation of Kalman filter is done
To Do:
- TEAM: Finish Test Plan for Business Lecture
- Luke: Study Kalman filters and gain a basic understanding of what everyone else is working on.
- Ammon: Launch file for ROS nodes. Start working w/ AI.
- Andrew: Kicker & Kalman Filters (synchronize clocks
- Luna: Enhance movement libraries in Python in prep for next competition
Tomorrow is the skills competition, but due to the somewhat ridiculous lack of organization for the class, the cameras have been a huge bottleneck for development.
To Do:
- Andrew: Send in Business Homework Discussion Questions
- TEAM: Finish Test Plan for Business Lecture
- Luke: Study Kalman filters and gain a basic understanding of what everyone else is working on.
- Ammon: Launch file for ROS nodes. Start working w/ AI.
- Andrew: Kicker & Kalman Filters
- Luna: Enhance movement libraries in Python in prep for next competition
Tomorrow is the skills competition, but due to the somewhat ridiculous lack of organization for the class, the cameras have been a huge bottleneck for development.
- Luna: Created a how to page for motion development on the Wiki
- Luke: Fixed vision bug that caused the ball/robot coordinates to get out of sync sometimes
- Luke & Clover: Implemented a calibration routine at the startup of the vision code to allow us to easily tune the colors and filters for runtime.
- Luke: Created Wiki page on how to get internet and SSH into the odroid/rpi
- Luke: Added several issues and solutions (e.g. how to update ROS if the odroid IP changes)
- Ammon/Andrew: Find the timestamp in ROS messages
To Do:
- Luke: Study Kalman filters and gain a basic understanding of what everyone else is working on.
- Ammon: Camera streaming, launch file for ROS nodes. Start working w/ AI.
- Ammon: Find the timestamp in ROS messages
- Andrew: Kicker & Kalman Filters
- Luna: Movement libraries in Python.
To Do:
- Team: Gantt Chart for 490 Business Lecture
- Clover: Learn how to do camera calibration to correct for the fish-eye effect.
- Luke: Correct Fish-eye
- Ammon: Camera streaming, launch file for ROS nodes. Start working w/ AI.
- Andrew: Kicker
- Luna: Movement libraries in Python.
Ammon: ROS demo. Luke & Clover : OpenCV installed and got some basic programming. Luna: Got all 3 motors working in coordination Andrew: Working on power levels.
To Do:
- Luke & Clover: Recognize the middle of the field.
- Team: Create the CG&S Document for business class.
- Ammon: Work on ROS. We want software to be able to communicate with the motors.
- Andrew: Make voltage working, get package components done and charge batteries.
- Luna: Work on the motion control.
Today we worked on trying to fit in the parts of the robot into a single layer. We will need to polish and finalize our FSD for the 490 Business Class, and email >5 Concepts. Skill TOurnament is 4 February 2015 so we want to have all our skills polished by 31 January 2015. That is, we want everything assembled and tested on the actual field by the 31st!
Also, Clover Wu has joined our team from China! Welcome Clover!
To Accomplish all the skills, we need these things to be working:
- Computer Vision: Be able to identify our robot, the center of the field, and the location of the goal.
- Motion Control: Needs to be able to take software commands to spin and move to a direction.
- System Architecture: Communication must work and basic software must be setup to allow us to send different commands (e.g., spin, move to center, move in a box.
- Mechanics: Robot must be completely assembled and have the correct top colors to be recognized by computer vision.
To Do:
- Luke: Work on OpenCV Programs
- Luke: Finalize FSD and update webpage
- Team: Create >5 Concepts to email to Doug Clifford.
- Luke: Make a tab to keep track of the spendings. HERE:Expenses
- Luna: Get all 3 motors working in coordination.
- Ammon: Work on ROS. We want software to be able to communicate with the motors.
- Andrew: Finish Robot Assembly and pass on to Luna for her development.
In the meeting today we watched a simulation test we did with another team and reflected on the results. Talked about what kinds of the kicker/solenoid we will use.
- Complete Preliminary Functional specifications.
- Decided to move on to working on the hardware.
To Do:
- Andrew: Assemble the robot layers
- Ammon: Fine-tune simulator and investigate ROS (VICTORY!!!)
- Luke: Create sample OpenCV programs
- Luke: Complete preliminary FSD (then email Andrew)
- Luna: Work on getting motors to spin.
Meeting today was used to work on "Team Discussion Assignment" as well as the simulation in preparation for next week's competition.
- Complete Team Discussion Assignment.
Meeting today was primarily to work on simulation and Wiki pages.
- Write the body of facts.
- Merge individual modifications into the github master branch.
- Start working on FSD on the website Wiki.
This initial meeting was used to discuss roles, and organize our team. Luke will manage the GitHub pages, and Ammon will manage the Trello Page. We also began preparing for the simulink competition.
- Team Name: Vektor Krum
- Weekly team meetings: Tuesday 1pm, Thursday 10am
- Team Leader: Andrew Keller
- Finished Business Lecture's "Team Assignment Sheet"
- Began working on simulation. Added defensive skill.
Decided to use GitHub for project management and created the organization, repository, and wiki.