How to run the vision code for ROS - lukehsiao/RobotSoccer GitHub Wiki

How do I run the vision code using terminal rather than Eclipse?


We've been using the Eclipse IDE for vision code development for convenience. However, in competitions, we run the ROS version of the vision code using the terminal. This means that we have two version of the code, one for development, and one for competition. After development changes are finalized in development, we migrate it over to the ROS code located in /Documents/RobotSoccer/catkin_ws/.

How to build and run from terminal:

  1. Open terminal and change directory to /Documents/RobotSoccer/catkin_ws
  2. Build the files by running catmake
  3. Make sure the roscore is running in a separate terminal. To do this, open a separate terminal, change to the same directory, and run roscore.
  4. Run rossetup
  5. Run rosrun robot_soccer computer_vision
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