RE_UC9 - luist18/feup-aeda-proj GitHub Wiki

Use case 9: Manage Preferences


A renter has preferences. In order to have them, it should be able to add or remove any at any given time. Hence, managing preference


Primary actor

  • Renter


  • Renter


The user is logged as a renter.

Sucess guarantees

The renter successfully managed their preferences.


  1. The renter requests to manage their preferences.
  2. The system asks if the renter wants to add or remove a preference.
  3. The renter chooses to add a preference.
  4. The system asks the type of vehicle.
  5. The renter chooses passenger vehicle.
  6. The system requests the minimum manufacturing year and desired number of seats.
  7. The renter inserts the requested data.
  8. The system informs about the success of the operation.


The renter wishes to cancel the use case.

The use case is aborted.

3a. The renter chooses to remove a preference.

  1. The system shows all its preferences.
  2. The renter removes the preference.
  3. The system informs about the success of the operation (step 8.).

3b. The input is invalid.

The system asks if the renter wants to add or remove a preference (step 2.).

5a. The renter chooses commercial vehicle.

  1. The system requests the mininum year, minimum cargo volume, minimum maximum weight and if it is refrigerated.
  2. The rentes inserts the requested data.
  3. The system informs about the success of the operation (step 8.).

5b. The input is invalid.

The system asks the type of vehicle (step 4.).

7 . The input is invalid.

The system requests the data once again (step 6.).


  • n/a