RE_UC8 - luist18/feup-aeda-proj GitHub Wiki

Use Case 8: Register


Registering is a common operation. In order to be a client or a company client, it is necessary to be registered. While registering, some information are asked such as the name, the identification number and the address.


Primary actor

  • Unregistered User


  • Company


The actor must be an unregistered user.

Success guarantees

The unregistered user becomes a user.


  1. The unregistered user intends to become a user.
  2. The systems asks the role of user (client or company client).
  3. The unregistered user selects the role.
  4. The systems asks their personal information (name, the identification number and the address).
  5. The unregistered user inserts their personal information.
  6. The system registers the user, generates a random password and sends it to the user.


The unregistered user wishes to cancel the use case.

The use case is aborted.

  1. Fields are empty or invalid.

    The unregistered used is warned. The use case goes to step 4 allowing the user to correct the invalid fields.


  • Is there any additional data necessary?