RE_UC7 - luist18/feup-aeda-proj GitHub Wiki

Use Case 7: View offers


Viewing an offer is the first impression that an unregistered user has of the application. While viewing an offer the unregistered user has the option to rent a vehicle. To make that process, the unregistered user must become a client by registering as a user. The arrangement of the offers is by the same order they were added to the company's fleet.


Primary actor

  • Unregistered User


  • Provider
  • Company


The company must own at least one rentable vehicle.

Success guarantees

Vehicle offers are shown.


  1. The unregistered user opens the web portal.
  2. The system selects a set of offers and shows them to the unregistered user.
    1. The system allows the user to select a page (previous or next).
    2. The unregistered user selects a page.
    3. A set of different offers are shown to the unregistered user (Step 2).


The unregistered user wishes to cancel the use case.

The use case is aborted.

2a. There are no offers to be shown.

A specific message is shown to the unregistered user. The use case ends.

2b. The unregistered user selects an offer.

The unregistered user is redirected to the use case 8 followed by the use case 3.


  • What is the maximum amount of offers per page?
  • What is the criteria to show the offers? (e.g. list order)