RE_UC3 - luist18/feup-aeda-proj GitHub Wiki

Use case 3: Rent Vehicle


The core of the company is to be able to provide a vehicle rent to its clients with ease. The clients who are able to rent, also called "Renters", are the client and the client company. After finding an offer that entice them, they should be able to get a rent for a period of time within the limits of the offer.


Primary actor

  • Renter


  • Renter
  • Provider
  • Company (apart from providing vehicles)


  • The renter is logged in as a renter, this is, a Client or Client Company.
  • The renter already chose a car to rent.

Success guarantees

The renter rents a vehicle for a pre-determined period of time.


  1. The user chooses to rent a vehicle.
  2. The system shows the information of the vehicle (i.e. specs, price and available schedule).
  3. The system requests a schedule, i.e., start and finish time.
  4. The renter inserts the schedule.
  5. The system validates the schedule, calculates the price, and shows all the information to the renter, requesting confirmation.
  6. The renter confirms.
  7. The system completes the transaction and informs about the success of the operation.


The renter wishes to cancel the use case.

The use case is aborted.

4 . The schedule is invalid or out of the bounds of the schedule limits.

The system requests the schedule once again (step 3.).

6 . The renter does not confirm.

The use case is aborted.


  • n/a