RE_UC12 - luist18/feup-aeda-proj GitHub Wiki

Use case 12: View Inactive Clients


Clients that do not make contracts for a predefined number of days are considered inactive. These clients are stored separately from the others so the company can send them emails about new offers. At any time, if the client makes a new contract, this is, rents a vehicle or puts a new one to offer, the client is no longer considered inactive. The admin should be able to see all the inactive clients, as well as the past contracts of them with the company.


Primary actor

  • Admin (Company)


  • Admin (Company)
  • Client


The user is logged as an admin.

Sucess guarantees

The admin successfully saw the required information.


  1. The admin requests to view the inactive clients.
  2. The system shows the list of inactive clients.
  3. The admin chooses a client.
  4. The system shows all the past contracts of the client.


The renter wishes to cancel the use case.

The use case is aborted.

2 . There are no inactive clients.

  1. A relevant message is shown.
  2. The use case ends.

3 . The input is invalid / the client does not exist.

  1. A relevant message is shown.
  2. The system shows the list of inactive clients once again (step 2).

4a. The client has no past contracts.

  1. A relevant message is shown.
  2. The use case ends.

4b. The admin wishes to see the list of inactive clients again.

The system shows the list of inactive clients (step 2).


  • n/a