RE_UC11 - luist18/feup-aeda-proj GitHub Wiki

Use case 11: Manage Maintenance Services


In order to maintain the quality of its services, the company performs periodic vehicle maintenance services, including overhaul services, oil changes, among other services that may be required. These vehicles have a given maintenance day and are stored in a priority queue, taking into account the amount of days left to the maintenance day. The vehicles should be listed. One should also be able to change the maintenance day of a given vehicle.


Primary actor

  • Admin (Company)


  • Admin (Company)


  • The user is logged as an admin.
  • The vehicles on which the maintenance services are to be performed belong to the company.

Sucess guarantees

The admin successfully listed the vehicles and changed the maintenance day of the desired ones.


  1. The admin requests to see the vehicles listed to maintenance.
  2. The system requests the number of vehicles the admin wishes to see.
  3. The admin inserts the number of vehicles.
  4. The system shows the next n vehicles.
  5. The admin chooses one vehicle.
  6. The system shows the information of that vehicle, including the maintenance day, and requests if the admin wishes to change it or return.
  7. The admin chooses to change the maintenance day.
  8. The system requests the new maintenance day.
  9. The admin inserts the new maintenance day.
  10. The system changes the maintenance day and informs about the success of the operation.


The renter wishes to cancel the use case.

The use case is aborted.

1 . The company has no vehicles.

  1. A relevant message is shown.
  2. The use case ends.

3a. The number of vehicles is invalid.

The system requests a new number (step 2).

3b. The number of vehicles is above the existing ones.

  1. A relevant message is shown.
  2. The system shows all the vehicles.

5 . The admin wishes to return.

The use case ends.

9 . The inserted day is invalid.

The system requests a new one (step 8).


  • n/a