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Use Case 5: View rental history


Main flow Question: what class ... Answer Justification
1. The renter requests to view the rental history. ...interacts with the user? ViewRentalHistoryPageUI Pure Fabrication
...coordinates the use case? ViewRentalHistoryPageController Controller
2. The system shows a list of simplified rental information. ...knows which user is logged in? CurrentSession Information Expert.
...knows the rentals of the company? RentalManager Information Expert: the rental manager contains all the rentals.
...knows which rental belongs to the user? Rental Information Expert: the rental has a reference to the renter (user).


From the rational results that the conceptual classes promoted to software classes are:

  • Rental
  • AuthUser

Other identified software classes (e.g. Pure Fabrication):

  • ViewRentalHistoryPageUI
  • ViewRentalHistoryPageController
  • CurrentSession
  • RentalManager

Sequence diagram

Sequence Diagram

Class diagram

Class Diagram