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Use case 12: View Inactive Clients


Main flow Question: what class ... Answer Justification
1. The admin requests to view the inactive clients. ... interacts with the user? ViewInactiveClientsUI Pure Fabrication.
... coordinates the use case? ViewInactiveClientsController Controller.
2. The system shows the list of inactive clients. ... knows the inactive clients? ClientManager Information Expert: the ClientManager knows all the Clients.
3. The admin chooses a client.
4. The system shows all the past contracts of the client. ... knows the past contracts? ContractManager Information Expert: ContractManager knows all the past contracts.


Identified software classes (e.g. Pure Fabrication):

  • ViewInactiveClientsUI
  • ViewInactiveClientsController
  • ClientManager
  • ContractManager

Sequece diagram

Sequence diagram

Class diagram

Class diagram