Eve - luftsport/nlf-client GitHub Wiki

Eve Query Syntax

The ApiOptionsInterface parameter query follows Eve's query syntax which is very similar to raw MongoDb queries.

export interface QueryInterface {
  where?: any; //string mongodb query
  max_results?: number; //number
  page?: number; //number
  sort?: any; //string or array? [{key: 1}] or ["-key", "key2", ...]
  aggregate?: any; //string
  projection?: any; 


Example: where: {id: 3232}

Max Results - limit returned rows

max_results: 10

Page - Pagination

page: 2

Combine with max_results


sort: [{_created: -1}]

Note the array of object notation


Utilize the MongoDb aggregation framework.

If any parameters, use the aggregate keyword to supply parameters.

aggregate: {"$value": 10}

Note that if aggregation pipeline returns an array of items regardsless of only a single item is returned (_items[0]). Metadata is not supplied in aggregation resources


Control which fields should be returned (1) or not (-1)

projection: {id: 1, firstname: 1, lastname: 1, _etag: -1}

Only firstame

projection: {firstname: 1}

Eve meta data will always be returned if not explicit set as -1.

Eve interfaces

export interface ApiEveLink {
  href: string;
  title: string;
export interface ApiEveLinks {
  parent: ApiEveLink;
  self: ApiEveLink;
  collection: ApiEveLink;
export interface ApiEveMeta {
  page: number;
  max_results: number;
  total: number;
export interface ApiEveBaseList {
  _meta?: ApiEveMeta;
  _links?: ApiEveLinks;
export interface ApiEveList extends ApiEveBaseList {
  _items: ApiEveItem[];
export interface ApiEveBaseItem {
  _version?: number;
  _etag?: string;
  _created?: Date;
  _id?: string;
  _latest_version?: number;
  _updated?: Date;
  _links?: ApiEveLinks;
export interface ApiEveItem {
  id?: string;
  _id: string;