Api - luftsport/nlf-client GitHub Wiki
This is the base class of the api and handles all actual xhr connections (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH)
The base class sets the baseUrl (absolute url) for the api.
Convenient wrappers
getList() //gets the collection
getItem() //get one item from collection by custom resource id or mongodb _id
getItemById() //get one item from collection by custom resource id
All items take the following parameters:
relativeUrl: string, id: number|string, options: OptionsInterface = {}
All lists (collections) take the following parameters:
relativeUrl: string, options: OptionsInterface = {}
Where relativeUrl
is the relative path to the resource from and excluding the baseurl.
All methods return a Observable<any>
The parameter options
is structured of OptionsInterface
export interface OptionsInterface {
query?: QueryInterface;
body?: any;
params?: HttpParams | { [param: string]: string | string[];};
headers?: HttpHeaders | { [header: string]: string | string[]; }
reportProgress?: boolean;
responseType?: 'json';
withCredentials?: boolean;
observe?: 'body';
which basically follows HTTPClient with the following extras:
complies to Eve's query syntax and will be converted to HttpParams -
should not be used (will be overwritten)
See Eve query syntax for more information.
Now you can use the options
parameter to build custom wrappers for respective resources in <resource>.service.ts
or just let it be exposed directly to components to configure the options
Note that:
- access tokens are handled by the http interceptor in root
- default headers are imposed for Content-Type and Accept
- only resource wrappers should access the base class (not directly from components or other)
Extends rest.service as a thin layer with custom options for respective resource.
Each resource needs the relativeUrl
(relative url including post and trailing /) constant property set.
At the simplest just a wrapper:
public getUsers(options?: OptionsInterface): Observable<UserList> {
return this.getList(this.relativeUrl, options);
This leaves it to the user to configure the options
parameter, as an example a query to the list/collection options.query = {where: {club: '375-F'}}
which will only return clubs with id 375-F. Since the options.query
is a normal javascript object you can convenient pass it parameters and also get linter feedback when the syntax is off.
More specific wrappers could leave the options
parameter out like:
public getUserFirstName(id: string): Observable<UserList> {
let options = {query: {projection: {firstname: 1}}};
return this.getItem(this.relativeUrl, id, options);
This will only return the field firstname
for the given user id (and the api generated metadata). Components will not have access to the options
parameter and should not.
Use the resource service(s) you need. To fill in the request object options: OptionsInterface
use something like:
let options: OptionsInterface = {
query: { page: this.pagination.offset,
max_results: this.pagination.limit,
sort: this.sort
headers: {'X-Some-Header': 'Have a fishy day!'},
The options.query
property follow the query interface QueryInterface which follows Eve's query syntax (similar to raw MongoDB syntax). Here we also added a custom header.
export interface QueryInterface {
where?: any; //string mongodb query
max_results?: number; //number
page?: number; //number
sort?: any; //string or array? [{key: 1}] or ["-key", "key2", ...]
aggregate?: any; //string
projection?: any;
Then call the resource.service and subscribe to the observable:
data => {
this.data = data._items; //Eve holds data in the _items property of the response
err => console.error(err),
() => console.log("Done for now")