Process Flow - lucidmotifs/autotain GitHub Wiki
Start with command line pass to addshow task:
$ bin/addshow [start_season, start_season]
- creates show object namedtuple
- use showrss to add show
- grab feed file
- pickle obj and saved to tasklist addshow_UUID.task
Sends message to authent show added <show_obj_file>
Starts feedsync with pickle obj arg
$ bin/feedsync add -f <show_obj_file>
Create Feed object
$ bin/feedsync create -f <show_obj_file>
- download file and save to feeds
- add episodes to feed object
- use itemgetter to pull episodes that match season and episode
- save episode list to file
Send message to authent feed added <tlist_UUID.list>
$ bin/addtorrent -l <tlist_obj_file>
- pick best torrent using key_filter and TORRENT_KEYS
- start with highest priority key
- filter list until a list of Len 1 is returned
- pull torrent magnet link and save to magnets/link_UUID.magnet
Send message to authent torrent added <tlist_UUID.magnet>
$ bin/addtorrent -m <tlist_UUID.magnet>
- use torrentrpc to add magnet file — check download is done
Send message to authent torrent downloaded <media_file.mkv>
$ bin/sendtocloud -f media_file.mkv
- extract show info from show name (show/season)
- upload show using gcloud
- notify when upload complete