User Stories - lucianjones/Team-Tianwen GitHub Wiki

User Stories


Sign Up

  • If I am not registered for the site, I would like to be able to signup.
    • When I am on the /signup page
      • I would like a simple form to fill out
      • I would like to use my email, create a username, and create a password
      • After signing up, I would like to be automatically signed in
      • Should redirect to set up new profile information page
    • If I enter invalid data
      • Should let me know what fields were incorrect
      • Should keep valid fields filled so I do not have to renter them
  • If I am already registered, give me an option to log in

Log In

  • If I am registered, I'd like to be able to log in
    • When I am on the log in page
      • I would like a simple form to fill out
      • I would like to log in using my username and password
      • If I successfully log in, redirect me to my profile page
      • If my log in information is incorrect, alert me that either my username or password was incorrect
        • I would like my username field to remain filled
        • I would like to be presented with a account recovery option
  • If I am not already registered, give me an option to sign up

Demo User

*As an unregistered and unauthorized user, I would like an easy to find and clear button on both the /signup and /login pages to allow me to visit the site as a guest without signing up or logging in.

  • When I'm on either the /signup or /login pages:
    • I can click on a Demo User button to log me in and allow me access as a normal user.
      • So that I can test the site's features and functionality without needing to stop and enter credentials.


  • When I am logged in, I would like the logout button to be on the right part of the nav bar
    • When I log out, I would like to be redirected to the /login page, so that either I, or someone else may log in

Post a question

  • When I am logged in, I'd like to see a ask a question button, that directs me to a form that allows me to fill out and post a question
    • The form should have a title, and a description box
    • The form should have categories so I can tag my question for better search results
    • If I forget to fill out parts of the form, it prompts me to fill them out, without discarding everything else I've filled out

View questions

  • When I am on the home page of the website, I would like to see the 10 most popular questions listed
    • Have a view more button, that loads more questions
    • Each question shows number of votes, views, answers, tags, and time posted
  • Option to sort by different metrics
  • When I click on a question, it should bring me to the questions page
    • On the questions page, I should have options to vote and answer
    • Displays related questions in the sidebar

Edit questions

  • As a logged in user, I want to be able to edit my question by clicking an edit button that is associated with my question
  • Also give me the ability to delete my question

Answer questions

  • When logged in, the bottom of the questions page should have a form that allows me to answer the question
    • After the answer is posted the answer has an edit and delete button that allows me to easily change or remove my answer
  • My answer can be voted on from the question page

Search questions

  • When I am on the website, there should be a search bar always visible on the top
    • When I type a query into it, it should direct me to the search results, which can be sorted by different metrics