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The WRRC is the basic way in which clients and servers communicate and it's how the internet works at a high level. At a slightly lower level, forms play a big part in that.

s are a way for a client to collect and send a server data. s have action and method attributes, which define where and how the data is sent. The action must be a url, and just like with files it can be relative or absolute. If the action attribute is not specified, it will be assumed to be the same page that the form is on. The method is most commonly either Get or Post.

When using Get, all of the key/value pairs in the form are appended to the url after a ? and with &s in between each pair. For example, https://website.com/?key=value&key=value

When using Post, the data is encoded and sent in the request.body. Because it is encoded, it needs to be parsed in order for the server to read it.

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