Pair Programming and jQuery - lucasjwilber/seattle-301d52 GitHub Wiki

Benefits of Pair Programming:

  • It's more efficient: Code written during Pair Programming is likely to have fewer bugs and to be easier to read and refactor in the future. So while it's slightly slower in the short-term, it saves time in the long-term.
  • It's more engaging: When working with another developer, it's harder to get distracted and you're unlikely to procrastinate. It's also easier to get unstuck when any issues arise.
  • You'll learn something: Your partner can show you new things and give you different perspectives, and if you teach your partner something it will reinforce that knowledge for you.
  • It prepares you for a job interview: Pair Programming is common in the industry and a common way for interviewers to test your coding and communication skills.
  • It prepares you for the actual job: Pair Programming is a common method for training new hires, and getting experience with it makes learning on the job that much easier.


  • jQuery makes working with the DOM much easier to read and write, and makes complex front-end coding like animations and looping through selectors very simple
  • jQuery uses CSS selectors to select elements, and provides methods to work with them
  • Adding jQuery to your web app is easy, the script just needs to be added to the page, ideally at the end of the but obviously before any scripts that use jQuery code. The google CDN script is: <script src=""></script>
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