Questions (and Answers Decisions) - lucasjellema/soaring-through-the-cloud-native-sequel GitHub Wiki

  • In our demo, we probably want to speed up time. Typically, delivery is measured in days - but in our demo (and tests) we would prefer minutes. What would be a good way to shift between the real world of production (natural flow of time, delivery in days) and the world of test/demo with flow of time sped up of 100-500 times (days become minutes; note: 1440 minutes/day)
  • => TBD

  • How do we handle security? Both at the API level and at the UI level? Proper user authentication - or open access or one central password? If proper - can/do we use ID CS? How do we secure APIs? Secret key style?
  • => TBD

  • For the demo, we need some 'robots' to generate load on our webshop. These robots should sign up customers, add customers to loyalty system, create orders, simulate payments, perform product searches, create shippings, update shipping status, simulate payments. Can we think of a generic way to implements these 'robots'?
  • => TBD

  • Would it be nice to introduce a Notification Microservice - that will be able to send notifications to customers. This allows us to send for example order & shipping status updates, request payment, inform about discounts, .. Notifications can be sent over various channels, such as: in-portal, email, SMS, chat (Slack, Facebook Messenger, ..); which channel(s) to use depends on customer preferences
  • => TBD

  • Do we want a wishlist capability? If so, would it be part of customer ms or do we consider it a special type of order?
  • => TBD

  • Should all our microservices be in one shared GitHub repository – or should we have a GitHub repo per microservice? If the latter, can we still tie things together from a central, coordinating repo?
  • => We will work with a repository per microservice

  • Do we want to also use Slack – set up WebHooks and do team communication?
  • => Yes, we now also use Slack -

  • Can we work on a joint team-based Apiary environment to define our APIs in?
  • => No, we will each use our personal Apiary environment - make URLs accessible within the team for API details and mock API calls