Retry - lucas34/SwiftQueue GitHub Wiki
Jobs will only be retried by default, you will have to specify a retry count in JobBuilder
.retry(limit: .limited(5)) // Limit to 5 retry
.retry(limit: .unlimited) // Retry until cancel
will invoke your implementation of onRetry
with the current error encountered.
If the error is due to a constraint like DeadlineError
or TaskAlreadyExist
. onError
will NOT be called since there is no way for you to retry.
func onRetry(error: Error) -> RetryConstraint {
if error is RetryAble {
// Retry after a certain delay in Seconds
return RetryConstraint.delay(0)
// You can also specify an exponential back-off
return RetryConstraint.exponential(initial: 1)
} else {
// No retry, onRemoved will be called
return RetryConstraint.cancel