Installation instructions - luarocks/luarocks-gui GitHub Wiki

Installing the luarocks-api branch

instructions for UNIX (Linux and Mac)

  1. Download the luarocks-api branch as a .zip file or clone it using git.
  2. Navigate to your download/clone (luarocks directory) via the terminal.
  3. Run make and then make install in the terminal.
  4. type luarocks in the terminal to confirm installation.

For more detailed instructions for UNIX visit this link.

instructions for Windows

  1. Download the luarocks-api branch as a .zip file or clone it using git.
  2. Follow the rest of the instructions given here

Installing luarocks-gui

  1. Download the luarocks-gui repository as a .zip file or clone it using git.
  2. Navigate to your download/clone (luarocks-gui directory) via the terminal/command prompt.
  3. Run luarocks build in the terminal/command prompt.
  4. Type luarocks gui in the terminal to run the GUI.