Iteration Plans - ltsimps/Midterm GitHub Wiki
iteration:78613 Intial Class Design Estimated Actual
User Story:1 Intial Design UML 2 hours 1 hour
User Story:2 Integrate Travis into Project 5 mins 3 mins
User Story:3 Intial Design UML Refactor 8 mins 18 mins
User Story:4 Find Example Diaglogue for parsing 40 minutes 2 hours
User Story:5 Design Parser Class 1 hour 1.5 hours
User Story:6 Design class Structure 1 hour 1 hour
User Story:7 Refactor Parser Class into Abstract Classs 1 hour 30 minutes
User Story:8 Design Textual Parser class Derived from Parser Class 1 hour 20 minutes
User Story:9 Direct User input into stream Object 20 minutes 15 minutes
UserStory:10 add .gitingore 1 minute 1 minute
User Story:10 add test for user input 1 minute 1 minute
User Story:10 add license file 5 minutes 5 minutes
Iteration:74154 Intial Texual Input Class implementation 1 hour 1 hour 40 minutes
User Story:1 Write function to get textual Input 30 minutes 37 minutes
User Story:2 Write test for textual Input 30 minutes 30 minutes
User Story:3 Store Example Text for input 10 minutes 10 minutes
User Story:4 Create Positive Examples for Sentiment Class 1 hour 1 hour 40 minutes
User Story:5 Create Negative Examples for Sentiment Class 1 hour 1 hours
User Story:6 Read research papers on Sentiment Analsys 1 hour 3 hours
User Story:7 Add Negative Word list to project. 30 minutes 20 minutes
User Story:8 Add Positive Word list to project. 30 minutes 20 minutes
User Story:9 Add file input behavior to Textual Input. 30 minutes 30 minutes
User Story:10 Store textual input into correct data structures 30 minutes 42 minutes
User Story:11 build map function 10 minutes 8 minutes
User Story:11 build vector function 10 minutes 15 minutes
User Story:12 build tokenizer function 10 minutes 15 minutes
User Story:13 refactor getInput function to return a vector instead of a string 5 minutes 20 minutes
User Story:14 Implement class string converstion string. 10 minutes 20 minutes
User Story:15 implement histogram function 10 minutes 8 minutes
User story:16 implement test for histogram function 8 minutes 14 minutes
User story:17 Peform Cpplint checks and Cppcheck and correct any errors 30 minutes 45 minutes
User story:18 Write Doxygen Docmentation for Iteration 30 minutes 30 minutes
User Story:19 Update UML For Parser Class and Redesign Sentiment class for iteration 1 hour 1 hour
Iteration:94614 Implement Initial Sentiment Feature 1 hour hours
User Story:1 Design intial Sentiment class 1hour 2.5 hours
User Story:2 Design intial Positive Sentiment class 1hour 2 hours
User Story:3 Design intial Negative Sentiment class 2 hours 30 minutes
User Story:4 Design function to compare file or user input to Negative list and return a score 30 minutes 2 hours
User Story:5 Design function to compare file or user input to Negative list and return a score 15 minutes 15 minutes
User Story:6 cppcheck, doygen, cpplint udpates 1 hour 1 hour 30 minutes
User Story:7 Write Unit test for loadwordlist for PositiveSentiment and NegativeSentiment 20 minutes 10 minutes
iteration:90478 Integrate intial Texual Input with Sentiment
UserStory:1 Refator getInput to accept any file location. 30 minutes 20 minutes
UserStory:2 Refator getInput to accept user input or file input 30 minutes 20 minutes
UserStory:3 Correct Error with program only running once 1 hour 2 hours
UserStory:4 correct all cppcheck, cpplint errors 15 minutes 10 minutes
UserStory:5 Write documentation for main.cpp and gui related code 20 minutes
iteration:90203 Test Textual and Sentiment
User Story 1 Write final Unit test