Installation - lsrdg/tatoeba-karini GitHub Wiki

Tatoeba-karini is just a Python script.

If you know your way on the command line, with Python and Pip and virtualenviroments, you can safely jump to Quickstart.

If you need more guidance, keep reading. That's why this Wiki is here.

For a more predicted experience, take a look at latest release.


Assuming that you at least have Python3 installed.

Download the latest release, uncompress it and change the current working directory to just create directory:

$ curl -L | tar xz

Change to the new directory:

$ cd tatoeba-karini*

Assuming you know what pip is and how it works on your system, install the requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python --help

That's it. You are ready to got.

By the way, in instead of using curl, you can just download and uncompress manually.

Or else, keep reading.


Tatoeba-karini is written in Python 3.6*. And you will need that.

All requirements are listed on the requirements.txt file. You can install them manually or by running the following command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Head up! Check the documentation on using pip on your system before doing that. You might need to pass the --user flag to the command if you don't wanna mess up with your system's Python installation. Alternatively, consider learning how to create a virtual environment (tip: Python is bundled with venv!).

If all of that doesn't make sense and/or is not enough, please consider creating an issue and report how can this document be improved.

Following HEAD

After completing a milestone, a release tag is created.

After that, new patches to reach the next milestone will merged into the master branch.

Since there are no automated tests yet, everything is manually tested and, obviously error-prone.

To have access to the code on master, clone the repository:

$ git clone
$ cd tatoeba-karini*
$ python --help

Just remember to git pull to keep it updated:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

If you are following HEAD, your feedback is appreciated. Feel free to open an issue on Github reporting bugs, asking questions, etc. You may also be interested on reading our Contributing page.