Test‐VSTest - lsgroi/Pask.Test GitHub Wiki


Run tests with Visual Studio test runner.
There are a number of NuGet packages providing test adapters for most common testing frameworks e.g. NUnit3TestAdapter, Machine.Specifications.Runner.VisualStudio or xUnit.net [Runner: Visual Studio].


  • Visual Studio Locator
    Locate Visual Studio installations


  • TestNamePattern - regex pattern to identify tests to run from the solution
    Default to Tests?$
  • TestFromArtifact - run tests from the tests artifact
    Default to $false
  • TestsArtifactName - name of the tests artifact
    Default to $ProjectName.Tests
  • TestsArtifactFullPath - the full path of the tests artifact
    Default to .build\output\$TestsArtifactName
  • VSTestVersion - the version of Visual Studio [10|11|12|14|15]
    Default to 15
  • VSTestLogger - specify a logger for test results
    Default to trx (Visual Studio Test Results File)
  • VSTestCaseFilterExpression - run tests that match the given expression
    See Running selective unit tests using TestCaseFilter
  • VSTestPlatform - target platform architecture to be used for test execution [x86|x64|ARM]
  • VSTestFramework - target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution [Framework35|Framework40|Framework45]
  • VSTestCodeCoverage - enables data diagnostic adapter 'CodeCoverage' in the test run; default settings are used if not specified using settings file
    Default to $false
  • VSTestSettingsFile - Full name of the .runsettings settings file to use when running tests