Test‐NUnit2 - lsgroi/Pask.Test GitHub Wiki


Run NUnit version 2 tests identified by having a dependency on the test framework DLL.


  • NUnit.Runners
    Console runner and test engine for version 3 of the NUnit unit-testing framework


  • TestNamePattern - regex pattern to identify tests to run from the solution
    Default to Tests?$
  • TestFromArtifact - run tests from the tests artifact
    Default to $false
  • TestsArtifactName - name of the tests artifact
    Default to $ProjectName.Tests
  • TestsArtifactFullPath - the full path of the tests artifact
    Default to .build\output\$TestsArtifactName
  • NUnitFrameworkVersion - framework version to be used for tests
    Default to 4.6
  • NUnitCategory - comma separated list of categories to execute
  • NUnitExcludeCategory - comma separated list of categories to exclude