Documentation (Swift3.0) - lsapan/pgoapi-swift GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the pgoapi-swift docs!
This wiki documents all the methods available in the api.
Name | Type | Purpose |
PGoAuth | Protocol | Defines protocol for login methods |
pcrypt | Class | Signature encryption |
PGoSession | Struct | Contains all session related variables/constants |
PGoLocation | Struct | Contains all location variables, can be modified via setLocation |
PGoApiIntent | Enum | All possible api intents, see implemented API requests for list |
PGoApiException | Enum | Contains all session exceptions (e.g. banned accounts, invalid sessions) |
PGoApiResponse | Struct | Contains responses as generated messages and PGoResponseObject (if useResponseObjects is set to true in setApiSettings) |
PGoResponseObject | Struct | Object that contains all parsed messages, used in PGoApiResponse |
PGoApiRequest | Class | Class that stores session, location and api requests |
PGoApiDelegate | Protocol | All delegates must have didReceiveApiError, didReceiveApiResponse, didReceiveApiException |
PGoLocationUtils | Class | Contains location tools to assist in building scrappers/bots |
niahash | Class | Niahash.c ported to swift |
Method | Variables | Notes |
setLocation | latitude: Double, longitude: Double, altitude: Double? = 6.0, horizontalAccuracy: Double? = 3.9, floor: UInt32?, speed: Double?, course: Double? | Latitude/longitude are the bare minimum. In the Swift3.0 branch, the client will randomize the altitude and horizontalAccuracy during init. |
setApiSettings | refreshAuthTokens: Bool? = true, useResponseObjects: Bool? = false, showMessages: Bool? = true, checkChallenge: Bool? = true | refreshAuthTokens (default: true): Refreshes auth tokens when they expire (after 30 minutes); useResponseObjects (default: false): Enable if you want an object returned to store all generated messages as their appropriate proto response object; showMessages (default: true): Shows the parsing and building of requests. checkChallenge (default: true): Inserts checkChallenge to every request. |
setPlatformRequestSettings | useActivityStatus: Bool? = true, useDeviceInfo: Bool? = true, useSensorInfo: Bool? = true, useLocationFix: Bool? = true | Customize the unknown6 message to include/exclude certain info. Default is true for all bools. Note: Location fix count has been moved to setLocationFixSettings. |
setLocationFixSettings | locationFixCount: Int? = 28, errorChance: UInt32? = 25 | Location fix count specifies how many location fixes should be included in the signature. Default is 28 with an interval of 1 second. Error chance (default is 25%) is the chance that the client will send a nonsense location (e.g. 360, -360 if you live in North America), similar to the real client. |
setDevice | deviceId: String?, androidBoardName: String?, androidBootloader: String?, deviceModel: String?, deviceBrand: String?, deviceModelIdentifier: String?, deviceModelBoot: String?, hardwareManufacturer: String?, hardwareModel: String?, firmwareBrand: String?, firmwareTags: String?, firmwareType: String?, firmwareFingerprint: String?, devicePlatform: Pogoprotos.Enums.Platform? | Default is iPhone 6s Plus |
Method names are the same as their PGoApiIntent name.
Optional variables are not required to make a valid request.
The response proto corresponds to parser in Pogoprotos.Networking.Responses.
Method | Variables | Response proto |
updatePlayer | .PlayerUpdateResponse | |
getPlayer | country: String?, language: String?, timeZone: String? | .GetPlayerResponse |
getInventory | lastTimestampMs: Int64?, itemBeenSeen: Int32? | .GetInventoryResponse |
downloadSettings | .DownloadSettingsResponse | |
downloadItemTemplates | .DownloadItemTemplatesResponse | |
downloadRemoteConfigVersion | .DownloadRemoteConfigVersionResponse | |
fortSearch | fortId: String, fortLatitude: Double, fortLongitude: Double | .FortSearchResponse |
encounterPokemon | encounterId: UInt64, spawnPointId: String | .EncounterResponse |
catchPokemon | encounterId: UInt64, spawnPointId: String, pokeball: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId, hitPokemon: Bool?, normalizedReticleSize: Double?, normalizedHitPosition: Double?, spinModifier: Double? | .CatchPokemonResponse |
fortDetails | fortId: String, fortLatitude: Double, fortLongitude: Double | .FortDetailsResponse |
getMapObjects | cellIds: Array<UInt64>?, sinceTimestampMs: Array<Int64>? | .GetMapObjectsResponse |
fortDeployPokemon | fortId: String, pokemonId:UInt64 | .FortDeployPokemonResponse |
fortRecallPokemon | fortId: String, pokemonId:UInt64 | .FortRecallPokemonResponse |
releasePokemon | pokemonId:UInt64 | .ReleasePokemonResponse |
useItemPotion | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId, pokemonId:UInt64 | .UseItemPotionResponse |
useItemCapture | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId, encounterId:UInt64, spawnPointId: String | .UseItemCaptureResponse |
useItemRevive | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId, pokemonId: UInt64 | .UseItemReviveResponse |
getPlayerProfile | playerName: String | .GetPlayerProfileResponse |
evolvePokemon | pokemonId:UInt64 | .EvolvePokemonResponse |
getHatchedEggs | .GetHatchedEggsResponse | |
encounterTutorialComplete | pokemonId: Pogoprotos.Enums.PokemonId | .EncounterTutorialCompleteResponse |
levelUpRewards | level:Int32 | .LevelUpRewardsResponse |
checkAwardedBadges | .CheckAwardedBadgesResponse | |
useItemGym | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId, gymId: String | .UseItemGymResponse |
getGymDetails | gymId: String, gymLatitude: Double, gymLongitude: Double | .GetGymDetailsResponse |
startGymBattle | gymId: String, attackingPokemonIds: Array<UInt64>, defendingPokemonId: UInt64 | .StartGymBattleResponse |
attackGym | gymId: String, battleId: String, attackActions: Array<Pogoprotos.Data.Battle.BattleAction>, lastRetrievedAction: Pogoprotos.Data.Battle.BattleAction | .AttackGymResponse |
recycleInventoryItem | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId, itemCount: Int32 | .RecycleInventoryItemResponse |
collectDailyBonus | .CollectDailyBonusResponse | |
useItemXPBoost | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId | .UseItemXpBoostResponse |
useItemEggIncubator | itemId: String, pokemonId: UInt64 | .UseItemEggIncubatorResponse |
useIncense | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId | .UseIncenseResponse |
getIncensePokemon | .GetIncensePokemonResponse | |
incenseEncounter | encounterId: UInt64, encounterLocation: String | .IncenseEncounterResponse |
addFortModifier | itemId: Pogoprotos.Inventory.Item.ItemId, fortId: String | .AddFortModifierResponse |
diskEncounter | encounterId: UInt64, fortId: String | .DiskEncounterResponse |
collectDailyDefenderBonus | encounterId: UInt64, fortId: String | .CollectDailyDefenderBonusResponse |
upgradePokemon | pokemonId: UInt64 | .UpgradePokemonResponse |
setFavoritePokemon | pokemonId: Int64, isFavorite: Bool | .SetFavoritePokemonResponse |
nicknamePokemon | pokemonId: UInt64, nickname: String | .NicknamePokemonResponse |
equipBadge | badgeType: Pogoprotos.Enums.BadgeType | .EquipBadgeResponse |
setContactSettings | sendMarketingEmails: Bool, sendPushNotifications: Bool | .SetContactSettingsResponse |
getAssetDigest | deviceModel: String?, deviceManufacturer: String?, locale: String? | .GetAssetDigestResponse |
getDownloadURLs | assetId: Array<String> | .GetDownloadUrlsResponse |
getSuggestedCodenames | .GetSuggestedCodenamesResponse | |
checkCodenameAvailable | codename: String | .ClaimCodenameResponse |
setAvatar | skin: Int32, hair: Int32, shirt: Int32, pants: Int32, hat: Int32, shoes: Int32, gender: Pogoprotos.Enums.Gender, eyes: Int32, backpack: Int32 | .SetAvatarResponse |
setPlayerTeam | teamColor: Pogoprotos.Enums.TeamColor | .SetPlayerTeamResponse |
markTutorialComplete | tutorialState: Array<Pogoprotos.Enums.TutorialState>, sendMarketingEmails: Bool, sendPushNotifications: Bool | .MarkTutorialCompleteResponse |
echo | .EchoResponse | |
sfidaActionLog | .SfidaActionLogResponse | |
getBuddyWalked | .GetBuddyWalkedResponse | |
setBuddyPokemon | pokemonId: UInt64 | .SetBuddyPokemonMessage |
checkChallenge | debug: Bool? | .CheckChallengeResponse |
verifyChallenge | token: String | .VerifyChallengeResponse |
registerBackgroundDevice | deviceId: String, deviceType: String | .RegisterBackgroundDeviceResponse |
Method | Requests | PGoApiIntent |
Login | ||
simulateAppStart | getPlayer(), getHatchedEggs(), getInventory(), checkAwardedBadges(), downloadSettings(), downloadRemoteConfigVersion() | SimulateAppStart |
heartBeat | getHatchedEggs(), getInventory(), checkAwardedBadges(), downloadSettings() | HeartBeat |
Method | Variables | Returns | Note |
getAltitudeAndHorizontalAccuracy | latitude: Double, longitude: Double | altitude: Double?, horizontalAccuracy: Double? | Using Google’s elevation API to estimate altitude |
reverseGeocode | latitude: Double, longitude: Double | PGoLocationUtils.PGoCoordinate?.address | Returns the address of the location |
geocode | location: String | PGoLocationUtils.PGoCoordinate?.latitude, PGoLocationUtils.PGoCoordinate?.longitude | Returns the location of address |
getDistanceBetweenPoints | startLatitude:Double, startLongitude:Double, endLatitude:Double, endLongitude: Double, unit: PGoLocationUtils.unit? | distance: Double | Returns the distance between points |
moveDistanceToPoint | startLatitude:Double, startLongitude:Double, endLatitude:Double, endLongitude: Double, distance: Double, unitOfDistance: PGoLocationUtils.unit? | PGoCoordinate | Returns a new coordinate that is a distance from the start position towards the end position |
moveDistanceWithBearing | startLatitude:Double, startLongitude:Double, bearing: Double, distance: Double, bearingUnits: PGoLocationUtils.bearingUnits?, unitOfDistance: PGoLocationUtils.unit? | PGoCoordinate | Returns a coordinate that is a distance from a point using bearing |
getDirectionsFromToLocations | startLatitude:Double, startLongitude:Double, endLatitude:Double, endLongitude: Double, transportType: MKDirectionsTransportType? | PGoLocationUtils.PGoDirections? | Provides an array of coordinates that are real directions from one point to another |