Metadata File Format: Trinucleotide Counts - lrgr/explosig-docker GitHub Wiki

The trinucleotide counts metadata file specifies locations of files detailing the counts of trinucleotides across the regions of the genome when using a particular sequencing method.

This file should be located at obj/meta-tricounts.tsv

It should contain the following columns:

  • Method: The (unique) name of the sequencing method (e.g. Genome, Exome, etc...)
  • Path to Trinucleotide Counts File: The path to the trinucleotide counts file for the particular method. Relative to obj directory.

An example file looks as follows:

Method Path to Trinucleotide Counts File
Genome tri-counts/Rosenthal2016/preprocessed/tri_counts.genome.tsv
Exome tri-counts/Rosenthal2016/preprocessed/tri_counts.exome.tsv
... ...