File Format: Signatures (Cancer Type Map) - lrgr/explosig-docker GitHub Wiki

The cancer type map file helps to determine which signatures to select based on a selected cancer type. This file is specific to a "signature group", so the signatures referenced within must all be found in the group.

The cancer type map file contains the following columns:

  • Signature: The name of a signature.
  • Oncotree Code: A code from the oncotree tool closest to the cancer type. At the time of writing this document the oncotree version is oncotree_2018_11_01
  • Cancer Type: A human-readable name for the cancer type.
  • Category Type: The category type of the signature. (e.g. SBS_96)

A signature can be repeated in multiple rows if it is active in multiple cancer types.

An example of this file is as follows:

Signature Oncotree Code Cancer Type Category Type
1 MBL Medulloblastoma SBS_96
5 MBL Medulloblastoma SBS_96
8 MBL Medulloblastoma SBS_96
1 MEL Melanoma SBS_96
5 MEL Melanoma SBS_96
7 MEL Melanoma SBS_96
11 MEL Melanoma SBS_96
17 MEL Melanoma SBS_96