The Simulation - lorenzofelletti/sirsimx GitHub Wiki
The simulation is based on the SIR model and has some settable parameters.
The simulation starts automatically and shows the balls - representing the population's individuals - randomly moving in a box and comes with a graph.
The settable parameters are:
- the population size
- the infection probability (the probability of an infectious dot of infecting a healthy one by touching it - simulating people meetings)
- the recovery time
- the speed (how fast the dots - simulating the people - are moving)
- the vaccination rate
- the vaccine effectiveness.
On top of the simulation, a graph of the three main SIR parameters over time is plotted.
By tuning the parameters, you can see how the graph changes between different configurations.
It is worth noting that due to some degrees of randomness, the graphs from two simulation runs with the same parameters may differ, and this is totally normal.
It is only by doing multiple runs that you can estimate the impact of the spread for one configuration.