The SIR Model - lorenzofelletti/sirsimx GitHub Wiki

The SIR model is one of the simplest compartmental models in epidemiology. In this model a population is made up of individuals which can be in one of three possible status (compartments): Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered. No other status are possible for an individual. From now on the compartments could also be referred to as S, I, and R respectively.

The individuals of the population interact one another and in doing so they can change their status, according to these rules:

  • S are the individuals that haven't contracted the virus and if they get in touch with and individual in the I compartement they can become aswell Infectious with a certain probsbility
  • I can infect individuals of the S compartment, but not of the R compartment. These are the individual which they have contracted the virus and are still infected by it.
  • R are the individuals which has contracted the virus and have now recovered from it. They're no longer Infectious and cannot be infected again.