Issues.00647 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00647: load argument appears to be getting merged instead of overwritten

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Summary: load argument appears to be getting merged instead of overwritten

Created: 2018–05–16 19:16

Status: Submitted

Category: Bug

From: frankie

Version: 2.4.1



Right now in the config files (cev.cfg and blank.cfg) there is a command line block where the "-load" argument to doug specifies "${DOUG_LOAD_NAME}" as the load to use.

But if I run "./run_graphics -load FOO" on the command line, and have a load called "FOO" defined in my user.cfg, the scene defined by FOO gets merged in with the scene defined in the original default load. Meaning, if I use ./run_graphics, all of the ISS nodes show up.

Running this way however:

./run_graphics -load FOO -DDOUG_LOAD_NAME="FOO"

appears to cause only the load FOO to load up.

The same happens with ./run_blank_graphics. Meaning, the nodes that are normally in the blank load (SPHERES, FLOOR, etc) get merged in with the scene from the load the user specifies when the blank.cfg and ./run_blank_config is used.


frankie May 18, 2018, at 10:02 PM: As a workaround, instead of "-load" you can use "-DDOUG_LOAD_NAME=<load_name>" which should cause only the load of "load_name" to be loaded.

« 00646 | Issues | 00648 »

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