Issues.00638 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00638: API files #including other files in a subdirectory must use OS-specific path separators

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Summary: API files #including other files in a subdirectory must use OS-specific path separators

Created: 2018–02–01 10:48

Status: Submitted

Category: Bug

From: dbankie

Version: 2.4.1



An example root API file. I'm not sure how to format this as a code block, so it's a bit wonky. Edit this page to see the actual code.


  1. include "modules/SolarSystemBarycenter.api"
  2. include "modules/EarthMoonBarycenter.api"
  3. include "modules/Earth.api"
  4. include "modules/Moon.api"
  5. include "modules/Sun.api"
  6. include "modules/Seeker.api"
  7. include "modules/Cygnus.api"
  • /

Linux separators don't work on Windows, and Windows separators don't work on Linux.


« 00637 | Issues | 00639 »

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