Issues.00583 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00583: manager default tcl precision is too low

« 00582 | Issues | 00584 »

Summary: manager default tcl precision is too low

Created: 2016–10–13 09:27

Status: Released

Category: Bug

From: frankie

Version: 2.3

Released_In: 2.4


EDGE clients normally default tcl precision in the GUI for node values to 4 decimal places (to avoid too much clutter in the GUI). But this also affects the results from the "doug.node" command. So running a script in the manager, the following code might never change a node value from 0.0:

set curr_val [doug.node FOO get -yaw]
set new_val [expr $curr_val + 0.0001]
doug.node FOO set -yaw $new_val

If this code were in a callback, you would expect the yaw value to increase over time, but if the node precision is too low, the first line will keep returning 0.00 and the value will not increment. This only seems to be occuring in the manager as the clients are upping the precision correctly.


« 00582 | Issues | 00584 »

Associated Commits

| commit | 0177b217fd3fdd752ddada69865af30706a5b4b6 link5 | || | Author: | Frank Graffagnino | | Date: | Thu Oct 13 09:33:20 2016 -0500 | | Message: | [@Issue 00583: Fixing precision issue in manager Looks like the precision script, which isn't necessarily tied to a GUI, was incorrectly put in the GUI block instead of the TCL block. This fixes that. @] |

Affected Files:

blank.cfg | 2 ±
 cev.cfg   | 2 ±
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)