Issues.00551 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00551: Update node edit dialog to indicate node order

« 00550 | Issues | 00552 »

Summary: Update node edit dialog to indicate node order

Created: 2015–10–13 16:06

Status: Released

Category: Request

From: rjohanni

Version: 2.3

Released_In: 2.4


Almost all nodes in EDGE are traditionally in the Pitch-Yaw-Roll order or sequence. However, node order can be set in a state file to something other than PYR, and can also be changed via a tcl command.

Some nodes, such as the "EARTH_BODY_REF" node in EDGE are in PRY. Driving a node like this with Euler angles that are in a PYR sequence can lead to issues such as the planet jumping or rotating the wrong direction.

This is a request to add to the node edit dialog a field that indicates that the current sequence/order of the node is to make it more apparent.


frankie January 14, 2016, at 03:48 PM: I also updated the background of this field to be yellow to help highlight it when it does come up, since that should be pretty rare and I want it to stand out to users.

frankie October 13, 2015, at 05:32 PM: This has now been added. In the interest of not cluttering up the GUI on the 99% of nodes that are PYR, it will only show the order field when the order is something other than PYR. It will look like the screenshot below. See next comment for how to deal with these nodes.

Node Order Field
Node Order field in dialog for non-PYR nodes

frankie October 13, 2015, at 04:18 PM: We recently had a customer run into this issue with the EARTH_BODY_REF node. You can get around this a number of ways:

  1. You can convert your data to PRY to match.
  2. You can change the EARTH_BODY_REF node to be in PYR order
  3. You can drive a different node, such as PLANET2, to drive the Earth rotation (making sure the EARTH_BODY_REF node is all zeroes)

To get or set the order of a node in tcl (either in a script or just using the command console in EDGE) you can run:

doug.node <nodename> get -order
doug.node <nodename> set -order TPYR

You can make that change permanent by either editing your BASE_STATE file, or saving a base state with your change.

« 00550 | Issues | 00552 »

Associated Commits

| commit | 493a660d13bea5b91b825c8e1a22bebddc90f333 [link] | || | Author: | Frank Graffagnino | | Date: | Thu Jan 14 16:25:00 2016 -0600 | | Message: | [@Issue 00564 and 00551: Added undo buttons for flags Also added in the order field for nodes into the mac version of the editmodels GUI. @] |

Affected Files:

eng_graph.pkg          | Bin 612601 -> 613211 bytes
 gui/mac/editmodels.tcl | 673 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++&plusmn;------------------
 gui/undo.tcl           | 136 ++++++++++
 3 files changed, 544 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)

| commit | 6cefb5208eae40cca3d34feaf517f3e48bb3e490 [link] | || | Author: | Frank Graffagnino | | Date: | Tue Oct 13 17:27:29 2015 -0500 | | Message: | [@Issue 00551: Added field to show node rotation order for non-PYR nodes @] |

Affected Files:

eng_graph.pkg | Bin 611495 -> 612601 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
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