Issues.00442 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
00442: add in some fun models to use during demos
Summary: add in some fun models to use during demos
Created: 2012–10–09 13:40
Status: Released
Category: Request
From: frankie
Version: 2.2
Released_In: 2.3
people occasionally ask for fun things to insert into their scene. Star Trek and Star Wars models are by far the most requested.
frankie October 09, 2012, at 01:43 PM: Here are some models I have edited for various customers. It includes an Enterprise model as well as 2 Star Wars models (Darth Vader's Tie Fighter and a Tie Bomber). Rather than including these in the release, I will place these in them on the Graphics.UserModels page for folks to download and use whenever they want. A few screenshots: