Issues.00440 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00440: add ability to check if node is in view of a specific viewport

« 00439 | Issues | 00441 »

Summary: add ability to check if node is in view of a specific viewport

Created: 2012–10–09 10:36

Status: Released

Category: Request

From: frankie

Version: 2.2

Released_In: 2.3


sometimes it would be useful to know if a node is visible or not. This is a request for a tcl command that inputs a viewport and a nodename and it returns whether or not that node is visible in the specified viewport.


frankie October 09, 2012, at 11:18 AM: This has been done. The basic usage is to provide a viewport name, a node, and some radius around the node you are checking. If the radius is positive, then it will return "1" if any portion of the radius around the node is visible in the viewport. If the radius is negative, it will return "1" if ALL of the sphere around the node is visible in the viewport. It will return 0 if those conditions aren't met. The syntax is:

doug.load_plugin dsp_nodeview

   dsp_nodeview.isvisible -view view_name -node SSREF -radius 100
   dsp_nodeview.isvisible -view channel#.view_name -node SSREF -radius -400
   dsp_nodeview.isvisible -view display:channel#.view_name -node SSREF -radius -50

« 00439 | Issues | 00441 »

Associated Commits

| commit | c4fd4c7e175b45c1e87cff572bdb55103189fb37 link5 | || | Author: | Frank Graffagnino | | Date: | Tue Oct 9 11:09:47 2012 -0500 | | Message: | [@Issue 00440: Adding in dsp_nodeview plugin. This plugin provides a tcl command "dsp_nodeview.isvisible" which will return a 1 or 0 depending on whether or not the node is visible from the viewport, along with the specified range around the node. @] |

Affected Files:

plugin_Darwin/    | Bin 0 -> 18900 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/ | Bin 0 -> 29663 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_nodeview.dll    | Bin 0 -> 436180 bytes
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)