Issues.00401 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
00401: capability to save screenshots larger than the window
Summary: capability to save screenshots larger than the window
Created: 2011–10–31 11:21
Status: Not an Issue
Category: Request
From: frankie
Version: 2.2
some people would like to save large, high resolution images from an EDGE scene. this capability may exist with the poster2 plugin, but there is no documentation explaining how to use it.
brad Nov. 11 2011 This can be done already with the dsp_poster2 plugin. The plugin takes the following arguments from Tcl:
doug.plugin dsp_poster2 filename.ext xres yres [-border_size hor ver -border_color #000000 -stereo eye_sep -view viewport_name -anaglph/-noanglph]
The file is saved in a format specified by the filename's extension (ie mypic.bmp would be a windows bitmap). For best results the resolution specified for the image should be a multiple of the applications window size. If no border is specified it is assumed there is none. If no border color is specified it is assumed to be black '#000000' if no '-stereo' option specified or the eye seperation specified is 0.0 then a single image is written to the specified file. If the '-view viewname' option is used then only that viewport will be rendered and saved at the specified resolution. If the '-stereo eye_sep' option is specified and '-anaglph' is also specified then a 3D picture using red/cyan will be generated and saved. If the '-stereo eye_sep' option is specified and '-noanaglph' is also specified then two pictures will be saved with 'filename_left.ext' and 'filename_right.ext'.