Issues.00317 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00317: add doug manager only or -notk option

« 00316 | Issues | 00318 »

Summary: add doug manager only or -notk option

Created: 2011–01–18 10:59

Status: Released

Category: Request

From: frankie

Version: 2.1

Released_In: 2.2


instead of using a separate manager executable, it would be nice if the DOUG executable would be capable of running as a manager only, so that all of the non-visual plugins and tcl scripts could be used along with all of the doug.* tcl commands.

This would imply that there would be an option similar to the "-notk" option to the manager so that doug would be capable of running as a manager without any X display. Also, plugins would be called as fast as possible since there shouldn't be any frame/render loop to delay them.

We should consider just making this be the "-notk" option and not require a separate mode. This might make more sense. Then you could run with -notk and still choose between -mode client, or -mode standalone, etc.


brad January 20, 2011, at 03:20 PM: It is done, and now when -notk is passed DOUG will run without visuals and without tk but will still provide a tcl interpreter.

« 00316 | Issues | 00318 »

Associated Commits

| commit | 4023aa3aa4108d11fb9cd6a87f9664f6ed29b6f6 [link] | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Wed Feb 9 10:02:10 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@Issue 00317: Removed unneeded Tk_GetColor calls that could have lead to core dumps when running -notk @] |

Affected Files:

bin_Linux_FC3/doug | Bin 672958 -> 673350 bytes
 bin_Win32/doug.exe | Bin 1811393 -> 1812417 bytes
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

| commit | 53d0a54609e26349ba5a294ec972ab4cfd1677f0 [link] | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Tue Feb 8 10:08:43 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@Issue 00317 and 00322: fixed bug that was causing core dumps and added two new blocks 'TCLTK' and 'TCL' that get parsed depending on the -tk and -notk options @] |

Affected Files:

bin_Linux_FC3/doug | Bin 672542 -> 672958 bytes
 bin_Win32/doug.exe | Bin 1808815 -> 1811393 bytes
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

| commit | d3f9cdcd278871568701aa40ebe08426c4fdab79 [link] | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Tue Feb 8 09:17:46 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@Issuse 00317: Fixed a bug that caused core dumps when setting a light color or display background color when running with -notk @] |

Affected Files:

bin_Linux_FC3/doug | Bin 667686 -> 672542 bytes
 bin_Win32/doug.exe | Bin 1802092 -> 1808815 bytes
 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

| commit | 1527a90160c519f371a1a44ad8bd58049a4555b7 [link] | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Mon Jan 24 09:04:14 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@Issue 00317 : Fixed a bug in the windows version @] |

Affected Files:

bin_Win32/doug.exe | Bin 1786872 -> 1787384 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

| commit | ee8a8e10c519b3e84a56b3d5a0b2dc78590685b7 [link] | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Thu Jan 20 08:53:35 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@Issues 00317, 50198, 00319: The new options to ' get' command are '-pan_node' '-tilt_node' @] |

Affected Files:

bin_Linux_FC3/doug                 | Bin 649865 -> 653813 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_baseline         | Bin 28596 -> 28592 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_cache            | Bin 17096 -> 17096 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_cleanup          | Bin 13702 -> 13698 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_cmd              | Bin 33801 -> 33797 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_manager          | Bin 87678 -> 87678 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_package          | Bin 21604 -> 21532 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_server           | Bin 137934 -> 137930 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/dsp_viewer           | Bin 69153 -> 70027 bytes
 bin_Linux_FC3/mywish               | Bin 12221 -> 12221 bytes
 bin_Win32/doug.exe                 | Bin 1780728 -> 1786872 bytes
 bin_Win32/dsp_manager.exe          | Bin 785615 -> 785615 bytes
 bin_Win32/dsp_package.exe          | Bin 867999 -> 867999 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/libdsp.a             | Bin 967548 -> 967508 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/          | Bin 807684 -> 807680 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/     | Bin 2548463 -> 2548459 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/libtclcmds.a         | Bin 47126 -> 47146 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/      | Bin 40945 -> 40977 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/libviewer.a          | Bin 1079796 -> 1079760 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/       | Bin 911129 -> 911129 bytes
 lib_Win32/libdsp.dll               | Bin 2382403 -> 2382403 bytes
 lib_Win32/libmapservice.dll        | Bin 1369022 -> 1369022 bytes
 lib_Win32/libtclcmds.dll           | Bin 873933 -> 873933 bytes
 lib_Win32/libviewer.dll            | Bin 619520 -> 2378380 bytes
 lib_Win32/llibdsp_sup.dll          | Bin 24576 -> 776847 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/   | Bin 72880 -> 72880 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 47429 -> 46781 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/     | Bin 26404 -> 25201 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/     | Bin 139199 -> 144183 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/       | Bin 81433 -> 81694 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 42564 -> 60943 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/   | Bin 39163 -> 38388 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 36867 -> 36991 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/ | Bin 101523 -> 115980 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/   | Bin 53926 -> 53926 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 52987 -> 52983 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/     | Bin 74871 -> 81399 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 53130 -> 53126 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/      | Bin 27700 -> 25278 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 19114 -> 17269 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/   | Bin 198108 -> 206441 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 63977 -> 58544 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 16529 -> 13483 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/ | Bin 11573 -> 11569 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/      | Bin 27382 -> 26014 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/   | Bin 41033 -> 42902 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 495992 -> 495992 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/   | Bin 32126 -> 29468 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 35382 -> 33651 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 29582 -> 31801 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/     | Bin 94792 -> 101620 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/     | Bin 127859 -> 114034 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 169223 -> 170248 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 380966 -> 442387 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/ | Bin 409220 -> 482969 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/ | Bin 751532 -> 751528 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 67294 -> 67290 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/      | Bin 100794 -> 100790 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 17004 -> 17000 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 2477414 -> 2477530 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/     | Bin 24472 -> 22228 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/   | Bin 65745 -> 65745 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/      | Bin 40522 -> 40518 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/       | Bin 25708 -> 23895 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_acloader.dll      | Bin 454882 -> 455969 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_caminfo.dll       | Bin 454954 -> 454795 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_canvas.dll        | Bin 521987 -> 521714 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_cctv.dll          | Bin 481034 -> 480847 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_confine.dll       | Bin 442133 -> 441992 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_drawcanvas.dll    | Bin 507578 -> 507578 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_drawstar.dll      | Bin 459610 -> 459451 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_fixtree.dll       | Bin 755666 -> 755542 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_fltloader.dll     | Bin 463307 -> 463307 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_ghost.dll         | Bin 443572 -> 443371 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_hslloader.dll     | Bin 455225 -> 455019 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_ideal.dll         | Bin 436269 -> 436088 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_info.dll          | Bin 429597 -> 429438 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_jpegsave.dll      | Bin 35840 -> 491096 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_lodloader.dll     | Bin 458651 -> 458458 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_lstloader.dll     | Bin 436657 -> 436657 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_mapservice.dll    | Bin 482997 -> 482997 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_noise.dll         | Bin 439207 -> 439207 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_overlays.dll      | Bin 449248 -> 449107 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_planet2.dll       | Bin 1271519 -> 1271336 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_platform.dll      | Bin 437056 -> 437056 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_poster2.dll       | Bin 441893 -> 441752 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_proxy.dll         | Bin 472705 -> 472497 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_record.dll        | Bin 468738 -> 468579 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_ruler.dll         | Bin 475015 -> 474730 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_safer.dll         | Bin 434745 -> 434745 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_script.dll        | Bin 489583 -> 489368 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_session.dll       | Bin 1014885 -> 1014682 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_speedtest.dll     | Bin 749447 -> 749288 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_speedtest2.dll    | Bin 778065 -> 777906 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_speedtest3.dll    | Bin 985149 -> 984990 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_ssmloader.dll     | Bin 474595 -> 474595 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_state.dll         | Bin 485263 -> 485056 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_stlloader.dll     | Bin 437638 -> 437638 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_targets.dll       | Bin 436590 -> 436374 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_texloader.dll     | Bin 446828 -> 447805 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_timeit.dll        | Bin 744898 -> 744730 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_trackcam.dll      | Bin 466220 -> 466032 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_trail.dll         | Bin 449201 -> 449042 bytes
 plugin_Win32/dsp_tree.dll          | Bin 749304 -> 749102 bytes
 104 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

| commit | 40713935d76352a66051db7e0e2bd39f2f27262c [link] | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Thu Jan 20 07:53:30 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@EDGE Issue 00317: Added a -notk option to doug which implies -novisual as well and runs doug with only a Tcl interpreter. @] |

Affected Files:

src/doug/doug.c         | 899 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++±-------------------
 src/dsp/dsp_manager.c   |   3 ±
 src/includes/doug.h     |   3 ±
 src/plugins/dsp_ghost.c |   7 ±
 4 files changed, 542 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️