Issues.00300 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00300: show config file debug during verbose printout

« 00299 | Issues | 00301 »

Summary: show config file debug during verbose printout

Created: 2010–11–22 16:55

Status: Released

Category: Request

From: frankie

Version: 2.1

Released_In: 2.2


when -verbose is specified on the command line, normally the user is looking for debug information. It would be useful to have printouts not only for plugins as we do now, but also for config files showing whether they are found, and where they are (package file or complete file path). This is helpful in knowing what config files are actually getting processed, where they are coming from, and whether environment variable problems are an issue.

Eventually, this could lead to a dialog in the help menu similar to the plugins dialog that shows elements in red if they were specified but not found, and also where each config file was actually read from with the path.


brad January 26, 2011, at 11:11 AM: This is done, the about dialog now contains a "Configs" button which will bring up a dialog listing all the config files that were processed in the order they were processed. The listing will be in green if the file was processed successfully, red if an error occured trying to open the file, and yellow if the file could not be found. This is the same color scheme being used in the scripts and plugins logs as well.

« 00299 | Issues | 00301 »

Associated Commits

| commit | 0ccff08dd10d350eacefeffac888acb101b5c95a link6 | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Wed Jan 26 04:43:34 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@Issuse 00300: added a configs button to the about box that will display a dialog showing processed config files @] |

Affected Files:

bin_Linux_FC3/doug           | Bin 653813 -> 667686 bytes
 bin_Win32/doug.exe           | Bin 1787384 -> 1802092 bytes
 eng_graph.pkg                | Bin 608416 -> 608926 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/libdsp.a       | Bin 967508 -> 967508 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/    | Bin 807680 -> 807680 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/libviewer.a    | Bin 1079760 -> 1079808 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/ | Bin 911129 -> 911173 bytes
 lib_Win32/libdsp.dll         | Bin 2382403 -> 2382403 bytes
 lib_Win32/libmapservice.dll  | Bin 1369022 -> 1369022 bytes
 lib_Win32/libviewer.dll      | Bin 2378380 -> 2378380 bytes
 10 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

| commit | 4c8b78b3a0e67cb9f6d6f8b0f073d0605f8f80c6 link7 | || | Author: | Brad Bell | | Date: | Wed Jan 26 04:27:14 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@EDGE Issue 00300: added config processing status dialog to about box @] |

Affected Files:

gui/about.tcl                |  212 ++
 gui/doug_command_console.tcl |   86 +
 gui/tkcon.tcl                | 6450 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/doug/configs.c           |  387 +++
 src/doug/configs.tcl         |  364 +++
 src/doug/doug.c              |  125 ±
 src/doug/linux               |    5 ±
 src/doug/win32               |    5 ±
 src/includes/doug.h          |    2 ±
 9 files changed, 7632 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)