Issues.00258 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
00258: generic tcl data dump capability
Summary: generic tcl data dump capability
Created: 2010–07–28 14:59
Status: Released
Category: Request
From: jekstrand
Version: 2.1
Released_In: 2.2
sometimes when creating a gui or overlay or something that needs to collect data from tcl, a user has to walk through many commands to get all of the data they want. For example, they may have an overlay and need to collect:
- the xyz of a node
- the PYR of a different node
- the current framerate
- the current time
- etc.
This normally requires a sequence of commands to get all the data.
This is a request for the capability to define all these commands into a group and then have the capability to "dump" a particular group with a single command, returning all the data back in one shot.
frankie August 02, 2010, at 03:55 PM: Got this added to the remote commanding server. Now, you will have a way to define a collection of commands (or multiple groups if you wish) and fire a group all at once. The following tcl functions will be available both locally and over the RCS:
# Returns a list of the current group ids
proc list_command_groups { }
# Creates a new empty command group
# Returns the group id of the newly created group
proc create_command_group { }
# Appends a command to an existing group
# Returns:
# >0: the new number of commands in the group
# -1: specified groupid does not exist
proc add_command_to_group { groupid cmd_string }
# Removes the command at the specifed index from an existing group
# Returns:
# >0: the new number of commands in the group
# -1: specified groupid does not exist
# -2: specified cmd_index does not exist
proc remove_command_from_group { groupid cmd_index }
# Returns a list of commands in a group
# -1: specified groupid does not exist
proc get_command_group { groupid }
# Fires the commands in a command group
# Returns:
# list of resulta/error messagess from each command execution
# -1: specified groupid does not exist
proc execute_command_group { groupid }
Associated Commits
| commit | 2e6a10fd634684f8d732c0d13b0f01222d77b434
link6 |
| Author: | Frank Graffagnino
| Date: | Mon Aug 13 15:09:14 2012 -0500
| Message: | [@Issue 00258: Fixed bug with removing a command at index 0 of a group
@] |
Affected Files:
gui/remote_commanding_groups.tcl | 2 ±
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
| commit | 72a812bef0d3b44db7c845b9615cd644db2c6b23
link7 |
| Author: | Frank Graffagnino
| Date: | Mon Aug 2 15:51:26 2010 -0500
| Message: | [@Issue 00258: Implemented a command grouping capability
@] |
Affected Files:
gui/remote_commanding_groups.tcl | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
gui/remote_commanding_server.tcl | 16 ++++++
2 files changed, 135 insertions(+)