Issues.00256 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00256: add tcl command to comm plugin to report number of dropouts

« 00255 | Issues | 00257 »

Summary: add tcl command to comm plugin to report number of dropouts

Created: 2010–07–26 16:08

Status: Released

Category: Request

From: frankie

Version: 2.1

Released_In: 2.2


as part of the oversight of many doug clients, it would be great to see a count of the number of dropouts from comm (maybe a cumulative dropout time, or percentage of time as well), and a count of the number of comm overrun frames (the number of times comm had to split up the data in to multiple frames).


Have added a number of Tcl commands to the dsp_dcomm_tc plugin to report on connection status. The new commands are (NOTE! This is a comprehensive list of Dcomm Tcl cmds, not just the connection/dropout related ones):

dcomm   always_enqueue ‹1|Yes|YES|yes|0|No|NO|no›   - activates or deactivates forced enqueueing of nodes, even if unchanged
    dcomm   get_client_connect_time - returns time this client has been connected
    dcomm   get_dropout_time        - returns the number of seconds this client has suspended comm with the server
    dcomm   get_mc_group            - returns the multicast group for this client/server
    dcomm   get_mc_tag              - returns the multicast tag for this client/server
    dcomm   get_num_bytes_received  - returns the number of bytes sent to this client by the server
    dcomm   get_num_bytes_sent      - returns the number of bytes sent to the server by this client
    dcomm   get_num_clients         - returns the current number of clients for this server (ret −1 for client)
    dcomm   get_num_dropouts        - returns the number of times this client has suspended comm with the server
    dcomm   get_num_nodes_updated   - returns number of nodes updated in the last comm call
    dcomm   get_num_overrun_frames  - returns the number of frame overruns for this client
    dcomm   get_percent_dropout     - returns the dropout time as a percent of total connect time (in 0 to 100%) format
    dcomm   get_server_address      - returns the ip address of the server in ###.###.###.### format
    dcomm   get_tcp_port            - returns the tcp listen port for this client/server
    dcomm   get_throttle_rate       - returns current throttle rate (in seconds)
    dcomm   get_throttle_status     - returns status: active, inactive, suspended
    dcomm   get_throttle_threshold  - returns current throttling threshold
    dcomm   is_client               - returns 1 if running as a client, 0 otherwise
    dcomm   is_multicast_enabled    - returns 1 if multicast is enabled, 0 otherwise
    dcomm   is_server               - returns 1 if running as a server, 0 otherwise
    dcomm   tcl_eval <string>       - saves the <string> and will use this as the cmd to evaluate
                                      future Tcl messages. 
    dcomm   throttle_rate <float>   - sets the throttling rate (in seconds)
    dcomm   throttle_threshold <int>    - sets the threshold of changes before suspending

« 00255 | Issues | 00257 »

Associated Commits

| commit | aa0abca7e996644e1b0b7d69abb82d73b12899d9 [link] | || | Author: | Jeff Hoblit | | Date: | Thu Mar 3 13:26:13 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@EDGE Issue 00256 - Add Tcl cmds to dsp_dcomm_tc to report dropouts Added numerous Tcl cmds to dsp_dcomm_tc to report on connection status. @] |

Affected Files:

lib_Linux_FC3/libd_comm_tc.a     | Bin 424782 -> 468548 bytes
 lib_Linux_FC3/  | Bin 372074 -> 322880 bytes
 plugin_Linux_FC3/ | Bin 57057 -> 63294 bytes
 3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

| commit | 807fd5ba4bbd09591b72f54b0fa58e5b4d093687 [link] | || | Author: | Jeff Hoblit | | Date: | Thu Mar 3 13:23:35 2011 -0600 | | Message: | [@EDGE Issue 00256 - Add Tcl cmds to dsp_dcomm_tc to report dropouts Added a number of connection status related commands to dsp_dcomm_tc plugin. @] |

Affected Files:

src/includes/d_comm.h      |   7 +++
 src/plugins/dsp_dcomm_tc.c | 136 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++&plusmn;-----------
 2 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
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