Issues.00169 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00169: flying FAR away eventually causes seg fault (probably in dcomm)

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Summary: flying FAR away eventually causes seg fault (probably in dcomm)

Created: 2009–08–19 11:15

Status: Released

Category: Bug

From: frankie

Version: 1.1

Released_In: 2.1


flying SUPER far away (by holding the + key down on speedfly) eventually causes a segmentation fault… it looks like this problem does not occur when "-mode standalone" is used, which suggests it is a doug comm problem.


frankie April 16, 2010, at 11:48 AM: I think this may have gotten fixed at some point. I just tested and fly the camera out to 10^236 distances, and things seemed to be stable. Marking as closed.

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