Issues.00061 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00061: User-defined USERDATA environment variable

« 00060 | Issues | 00062 »

Summary: User-defined USERDATA environment variable

Created: 2007–09–20 17:30

Status: Released

Category: Request

From: tesmith

Version: 1.1

Released_In: 2.0

A user-definable USERDATA environment variable would enabel users to configure their own userdata directory specific to which ever project they are working on. Then the user would not have to modify anything within the EDGE distribution, and their userdata directory could be used with multiple versions of EDGE.


I did the following and tested it. Not sure if this is a good solution. It is kinda Tricky.


 setenv DOUG_CONFIG_FILE       ${DOUG_HOME}/cev.cfg
 setenv DSP_HOME               ${DOUG_HOME}
  setenv DOUG_USER_CSHRC        ${HOME}/.Doug_user_cshrc
 setenv USERDATA               ${DOUG_HOME}/userdata
 setenv MISSION                CEV
 setenv DOUG_LOAD_NAME         CEV

 # API file used for simdata plugin and some tcl scripts
 setenv DOUG_API_FILE          ${SIM_DATA_DIR}/cev_graphics.api

 # User Environment%
 if ( $?DOUG_USER_CSHRC ) then
       if ( -e $DOUG_USER_CSHRC ) then
                source $DOUG_USER_CSHRC

 # Now source the user_env.csh if it exists to allow the user to customize
 # and override the environment
 if ( -e ${USERDATA}/user_env.csh ) then
     #echo "Found ${USERDATA}/user_env.csh"
     source ${USERDATA}/user_env.csh


frankie October 17, 2007, at 09:55 AM: that's a good idea, although i think i prefer Tom's suggestion of just checking to see if the USERDATA pointer is already set before overriding it. it is a much smaller delta to the way we do things and makes it very easy for them to point wherever they want. what do u think?

frankie October 31, 2007, at 01:22 PM: ok, i added the userdata override in. This will give a single variable people can use, and they should be able to use the user_env.csh file to set up any customization in their environment that their want as they did before.

« 00060 | Issues | 00062 »

Associated Commits

| commit | 022aa64570d5d4674cd4d206f8837d84e54da8a7 link8 | || | Author: | Frank Graffagnino | | Date: | Wed Apr 23 11:29:38 2008 -0500 | | Message: | [@Issue 00061: Updated run scripts to announce which userdata they are using This should make troubleshooting a little easier. Moved this into the run scripts since many people source the .doug_cshrc as part of their shell, and it can cause problems if there is printouts in there. @] |

Affected Files:

.doug_blank_cshrc  | 2 ±
 run_blank_graphics | 3 +++
 run_client         | 3 +++
 run_graphics       | 3 +++
 run_manager        | 3 +++
 5 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

| commit | f88e487190f85cce218d9ae149600a5b8803e1dc link9 | || | Author: | Frank Graffagnino | | Date: | Wed Oct 31 13:10:47 2007 -0500 | | Message: | [@Issue 00061: Add ability to override USERDATA selection @] |

Affected Files:

.doug_cshrc | 8 ++++++±
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)