Issues.00019 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

00019: need to be able to remove or overwrite reconfigs with userdata

« 00018 | Issues | 00020 »

Summary: need to be able to remove or overwrite reconfigs with userdata

Created: 2007–03–27 11:28

Status: Released

Category: Request

From: frankie

Version: 1.0

Released_In: 1.1

Currently, there is no way to remove a reconfig from the base delivery using the userdata customization method. One possible fix is to include a file for each of our reconfigs with a top file that postloads all of them. That way, the user can selectively include delivered reconfigs.


« 00018 | Issues | 00020 »

Associated Commits

| commit | 025398f0463a2b89f56aef5352976ce0609b72ea link5 | || | Author: | Frank Graffagnino | | Date: | Tue Jun 12 18:26:38 2007 -0500 | | Message: | [@Issue 00019: added new reconfigs and updated mechanism Added some new reconfigs, cleaned up some old ones, and also added a mechansim using env variables to reference individual reconfig files that way users can selectively remove some using their user_env.csh file to override the pointers to the default ones. For more issue info: <Issues.00019> @] |

Affected Files:

.doug_cshrc                      |  12 ++
 reconfigs/input.CEV              | 120 +&plusmn;--------------
 reconfigs/reconfig_CM_arrays     |  42 ++++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_CM_cockpit    |  31 +++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_CM_parachutes |  58 ++++++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_CaLV          |  28 ++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_ISS           |  39 ++++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_KSC           |  30 +++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_LAS           |  29 ++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_LSAM          |  41 ++++++
 reconfigs/reconfig_PLANET2       |  29 ++++
 reconfigs/station_v10_routing    | 281 ---------------------------------------
 reconfigs/usos_effector          |  50 -------
 userdata/reconfigs/input.USER    |  21 &plusmn;-
 14 files changed, 356 insertions(+), 455 deletions(-)