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Newbie Install

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Obtaining EDGE/Doug

If you have download permissions, you will see a Download link on the left side of the page.  If not, contact [frankie][4]


# For version 2.3 and above:
  % unzip <EDGE release zip file>

# For versions prior to EDGE v2.3
  % setenv DOUGHOME $HOME/doug
  % setenv DOUGDATA /dougdata ; 
        # For speed, it is preferable that data reside locally
  % mkdir $DOUGDATA
  % cd $DOUGDATA
  % tar xvfz EDGE_data_pack_*.tgz
  % mkdir $DOUGHOME
  % cd $DOUGHOME
  % tar xvfz EDGE_v*.tgz
     # Note: "gisdata" defaults to "/dougdata/gisdata_*"
     #       If $DOUGDATA is not /dougdata, then
             % rm gisdata
             % ln -s $DOUGDATA/gisdata_?.? gisdata

As a summary of the above, just untar the package where you want to install EDGE, then make sure the gisdata link points to the extracted EDGE_data_pack contents.