Graphics.NewbieDougCommandline - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki
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% doug [options scene_files(s)]
Normally one launches Doug by running the run_graphics script. In order to find the commandline options, do the following:
% cd <doug area>
% setenv DOUG_HOME `pwd`
% source edge_env #(or .doug_cshrc in older versions)
% bin_${VR_HOST_CPU}/doug -help
<This will generate an error, but will give you the commandline options>
| Option | Description |
| -display name
| Specifies which display context to use |
| -package_first
| Specifies that packages take priority when loading files |
| -system_first
| *Specifies that the standard file-system take priority when loading files |
| -mode name
| Specifies which manager block in the 'modes' to parse if runing as a manager |
| -base_package pkgfile
| Specifies a fallback package to use in loading files |
| -nobase_package
| Removes any previouly specified fallback package specified for file loading |
| -package pkgfile
| Specifies a package file from which files can be loaded |
| -nopackage
| Removes any previouly specified package used for loading files |
| -plugin name 'args'
| Specifies arguments to pass to a plugin with given name |
| -load name
| Specifies what load context to use when parsing config files |
| -scene name
| Specifies which scene defined in the load to use |
| -quality [l,m,h]
| Specifies the quality of texturing to use (l=low,m=medium,h=high) |
| -normal_mask err
| Specifies the maximum error allowed when performing normal mask culling |
| -tmesh_size max_size
| Specifies the maximum length triangle strip to build (default 64) |
| -tmesh_tries max_tries
| Specifies the maximum number of attempts that will be made to reach max_size triangle strips (default 100) |
| -bsphere_cull max_size min_proj
| Specifies upto to max_size bounding sphere that projects to less min_proj pixels that will get culled |
| -cluster_point max_ang
| Specifies maximum angle a cluster of point lights can span to be considered for single point light substitution |
| -input cfgfile
| Specifies a config file to append to the ones normally parsed |
| -group name
| Specifies a simulation group-id used to identify which shared resources to use |
| -comptex_size size
| Specifies a rule whereby any texture having a dimension >= size will be reduced in half |
| -lookat [+/-axis]
| Specifies a default lookat direction to use (defaults to -x) |
| -fixed fps
| Specifies a desired fixed frame rate to use (defaults to free-floating) |
| -culling_rule mask
| Specifies a bitmask used to enable any or all of 31 culling rules |
| -lighting_rule mask
| Specifies a bitmask used to enable any or all of 31 lighting rules |
| -reflection_grp mask
| Specifies a bitmask used to enable any or all of 31 reflection groups |
| -glint_grp mask
| Specifies a bitmask used to enable any or all of 31 glint groups |
| -shadow_grp mask
| Specifies a bitmask used to enable any or all of 31 shadow groups |
| -(no)cluster
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable light clustering optimization |
| -(no)core_onkill
| Tells DSP to (or not to) produce a core file when terminated by a signal (only if a core/nocore file does not exist) |
| -(no)localviewer
| Tells DSP to (or not to) use localviewer lighting model |
| -(no)autocollapse
| Tells DSP to (or not to) auto-collapse the scene graph for beter performace |
| -(no)texpreload
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) loadup and define textures at startup |
| -(no)attach
| Tells DSP to (or not to) attach to a runing visual having the same group-id |
| -(no)itimer
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) use system itimers (unix only) for process schedualling |
| -(no)baseline
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enforce baseline-scene rules |
| -(no)pallettedtex
| Tells DSP to (or not to) used palletted textures if hardware supports it |
| -(no)border
| Tells DSP to (or not to) use a bordered window for rendering |
| -(no)center
| Tells DSP to (or not to) center window on display |
| -(no)fullscreen
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enlarge window to fill screen |
| -(no)direct
| Tells DSP to (or not to) use imediate-mode rendering |
| -(no)verbose
| Tells DSP to (or not to) output all messages |
| -(no)fps
| Tells DSP to (or not to) report FramesPerSeconds statistics |
| -(no)private
| Tells DSP to (or not to) not use shared memory |
| -(no)cache
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) cache any model loading |
| -(no)autokill
| Tells DSP to (or not to) kill all DSP-processes when the manager goes down |
| -(no)mipmapping
| Tells DSP to (or not to) use mipmapped texturing |
| -(no)specular
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) render material specular component |
| -(no)texture
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) render texture-maps |
| -(no)zbuffer
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) use zbuffering |
| -(no)hide
| Tells DSP to (or not to) initially disable viewports |
| -(no)monochrome
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable monochrome rendering support |
| -(no)culling
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) enable culling of objects |
| -(no)material
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable advanced material rendering |
| -(no)glints
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable rendering of glint-effects |
| -(no)reflections
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable rendering of mirrored surfaces |
| -(no)shadows
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable rendering of shadows |
| -(no)stereo
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable rendering of stereo pairs |
| -(no)timing
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable performace monitoring |
| -(no)advlighting
| Tells DSP to (or not to) enable advanced lighting support |
| -(no)nvoccluders
| *Tells DSP to (or not to) enable hardware occlusion support |
| -(no)double
| Tells DSP to (or not to) use double precision matricie |
| -(no)grabfocus
| *This tells DOUG to (or not to) grab input focus when it comes up |
| -(no)tcldebug
| This runs DOUG with (or withoug) the tcl debugger |
| -(no)visual
| *This runs DOUG with (or without) loading models and rendering |
| -config file.cfg
| This tells doug to use a 'file.cfg' config file instead of the default doug.cfg |
| -nopackage_dir
| This removes any previously specified package_dir |
| -package_dir path
| This specifies a path where data-packages can be found and searched |
| -yoff val
| This vertically offsets the doug main window val amount |
| -xoff val
| This horizontally offsets the doug main window val amount |