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This method works, but is usually not preferred. In this method, DOUG comm is actually compiled into a sim, which isn't always the best way to approach things. There's a couple other ways to get sim data to doug, Check out the Sim data Dialog and Variable Server methods — djordan April 06, 2010, at 04:13 PM
Drive cube with real-time Trick simulation data.
- Add Doug Comm To Sim
- Drive Node Through Doug Comm
| cube.h | || | Trick 7:
/********************** TRICK HEADER **********************
PURPOSE: (Test cube)
ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: (Autocreated by trick_ui)
PROGRAMMERS: ((keith) (Wed Mar 15 2007))
#ifndef _cube_h_
#define _cube_h_
#include "d_comm.h"
typedef struct {
double xyz[3] ; /* M xyz pos */
double pyr[3] ; /* r pitch, yaw, roll */
int node_id ; /* — Doug node id */
Trick 10:
/**************** TRICK HEADER *************************
PURPOSE: (Test cube)
#ifndef _cube_h_
#define _cube_h_
typedef struct {
double xyz[3] ; /* M xyz pos */
double pyr[3] ; /* r pitch, yaw, roll */
int node_id ; /* — Doug node id */
#endif |
| % vi ${TRICK_MODELS}/cube/includes/cube.h Add: int node_id ; /* — Doug node id */ |
| cube_init.c | || | Trick 7:
/********************* TRICK HEADER ****************
PURPOSE: (Test cube)
ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: (Autocreated by trick_ui)
CLASS: (initialization)
LIBRARY DEPENDENCY: ((cube_init.o))
PROGRAMMERS: ((keith) (Wed Mar 14 2007))
#include <math.h>
#include "../include/cube.h"
#include "d_comm.h"
int cube_init( XYZPYR* T )
T→node_id = DCF_GetNodeID("CUBE");
return 0 ;
Trick 10:
/********************* TRICK HEADER ****************
PURPOSE: (Test cube)
LIBRARY DEPENDENCY: ((cube_init.o))
#include <math.h>
#include "../include/cube.h"
#include "d_comm.h"
int cube_init( CUBE *C )
C→node_id = DCF_GetNodeID("CUBE");
return (0) ;
} |
| % vi ${TRICK_MODELS}/cube/src/cube_init.c ; # New file to init doug comm |
| cube.c | || | Trick 7:
/********************** TRICK HEADER *****************
PURPOSE: (Test cube)
ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS: (Autocreated by trick_ui)
CLASS: (scheduled)
(libd_comm_tc.a) (libdsp.a) (dl.a))
PROGRAMMERS: ((keith) (Wed Mar 14 2007))
#include <math.h>
#include "../include/cube.h"
#include "d_comm.h"
#define ONE_DEGREE (M_PI/180.0)
#define TWO_PI (2*M_PI)
int cube( XYZPYR* T )
int ii ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < 3 ; ii++ ) {
T→pyr[ii] += ONE_DEGREE ;
if ( T→pyr[ii] > TWO_PI ) {
T→pyr[ii] = 0.0 ;
/* Drive Graphics */
DCM_SetRPYRD( T→node_id, T→pyr );
return 0 ;
} |
| % vi ${TRICK_MODELS}/models/cube/src/cube.c
Tell Trick To Link In Doug Libs:
(libd_comm_tc.a) (libdsp.a) (dl.a))
Add To Code Body:
DCM_SetRPYRD( T→node_id, T→pyr );
And don't forget to add the #include so we know how those functions are defined:
#include "d_comm.h"
Trick 10: cube_spin.c
/*********************************** TRICK HEADER **********
PURPOSE: (Test cube)
LIBRARY DEPENDENCY: ((cube_spin.o)
#include "../include/cube.h"
#include "d_comm.h"
int cube_spin ( CUBE* C ) {
int ii;
const double PI = 3.141592;
double one_degree = PI/180.0;
double two_pi = 2*PI;
for ( ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ ) {
C→pyr[ii] += one_degree;
if ( C→pyr[ii] > two_pi ) {
C→pyr[ii] = 0.0;
/* DOUG Comm */
DCM_SetRPYRD( C→node_id, C→pyr );
return 0 ;
} |
| % vi ${TRICK_MODELS}/models/cube/src/cube_spin.c
Tell Trick To Link In Doug Libs:
(libd_comm_tc.a) (libdsp.a) (dl.a))
Add To Code Body:
DCM_SetRPYRD( C→node_id, C→pyr );
And don't forget to add the #include so we know how those functions are defined:
#include "d_comm.h" |
| S_define | || | Trick 7:
sim_object {
sim_services/include: EXECUTIVE exec (sim_services/include/executive.d);
input_processor( Inout INPUT_PROCESSOR * IP = &sys.exec.ip ) ;
} sys ;
#define FREQ 0.01
sim_object {
cube: XYZPYR newbiecube (cube/include/cube_default_data.d) ;
(initialization) cube: cube_init(
Inout XYZPYR *T = &qbert.newbiecube ) ;
(FREQ, scheduled) cube: cube(
Inout XYZPYR *T = &qbert.newbiecube ) ;
} qbert ; |
| % vi ${TRICK_USER_HOME}/SIM_cube/S_define Add: (initialization) cube: cube_init( Inout XYZPYR *T = &qbert.newbiecube ) ;
Trick 10:
/**************** TRICK HEADER ******************************
PURPOSE: (S_define)
LIBRARY_DEPENDENCY: ((cube/src/cube_spin.c)
#include "sim_objects/"
##include "cube/include/cube.h"
##include "cube/include/cube_proto.h"
class CubeSimObject : public Trick::SimObject {
CUBE cube;
CubeSimObject() {
("initialization") cube_init( &cube );
("default_data") cube_default_data( &cube );
(0.01, "scheduled") cube_spin( &cube );
CubeSimObject xyzpyr; |
| % vi ${TRICK_USER_HOME}/SIM_cube/S_define Add: ("initialization") cube_init( &cube ); |
# Add
setenv TRICK_CFLAGS "-g -Wall -I${TRICK_MODELS} -I${DOUG_HOME}/src.dist/includes"
setenv TRICK_USER_LINK_LIBS "-L${DOUG_HOME}/lib_Linux_FC3" |
| % vi
Add: -L${DOUG_HOME}/lib_Linux_FC3{HOST_CPU_TYPE} # check your machine!
Why: Trick needs to find lib dependencies set in comment header of cube.c |
Note you could also just set these two env variables in your shell manually, instead of changing your .Trick_user_cshrc
| input | || | #include "S_default.dat" #include "Modified_data/cube.dr" //stop = 60.0; // stop after 60 seconds sys.exec.sim_com.monitor_on = Yes ; = 1e-2; //realtime software frame time | | % vi ${TRICK_USER_HOME}/SIM_cube/RUN_test/input % Comment out the time limit, and turn the Sim control panel on % and set the software frame around the value of the fastest job
Trick 10:
//trick.stop(60) |
| % vi ${TRICK_USER_HOME}/SIM_cube/RUN_test/ % Comment out the time limit |
% cd ${TRICK_USER_HOME}/SIM_cube
% CP
You should see a link line like this:
cc -g -Wall -I/users/vetter/models -I/users/vetter/doug/src/includes
-DTRICK_VER=05 -I/users/vetter/05.11.7/trick_source -I../include -o S_main_Linux_3.4_234.exe
lib_Linux_3.4_234/S_source.o lib_Linux_3.4_234/S_checksums.o
/users/vetter/05.11.7/lib_Linux_3.4_234/master.o lib/o0.o lib/o1.o lib/i0.o
-L/users/vetter/doug/lib_Linux_FC3 -ld_comm_tc -ldl -ldsp
-L/users/vetter/doug/lib_Linux_FC3 -ld_comm_tc -ldl -ldsp
/users/vetter/05.11.7/lib_Linux_3.4_234/libtrick.a -lm -lrt
Generating S_sie.resource…
./S_main_Linux_3.4_234.exe sie
=== Simulation make complete ===
Before we run, you need to make sure the shell you are planning to run the sim in will have an appropriate environment for multicast communication. Otherwise, it can't find doug! We are working on a way to make this more seamless, but for now you can set these environment vars manually:
% setenv MC_TAG "cev_comm_${USER}"
% setenv MC_PORT "12349"
% setenv MC_GROUP ""
% setenv TCP_PORT "8000"
% setenv UDS_NODE "/tmp/cev_comm_${USER}"
% setenv SERVER_PORT "${TCP_PORT}"
Here's the deal. We're about to introduce something we haven't talked about in this tutorial yet — run_manager and run_client. For a rambling more in-depth explanation, see this link. All you need to know here is the manager is the server, and the client is the client, and the sim we just wrote sends data to the manager. Client is the one where we actually get the 3D doug stuff.
# Bring up Manager, make sure your $USERDATA is set correctly!
% cd ${DOUG_HOME}
% ./run_manager -display CUBE
# Get a new terminal, make sure your $USERDATA is set correctly, seriously dude.
# Bring up client, show fps too, why not right?
% cd ${DOUG_HOME}
% ./run_client -fps
# Bring up the old trick simulation you made.
% cd ${TRICK_USER_HOME}/SIM_cube
% ./S_main*exe RUN_test/input
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