Graphics.Mousefly - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki



This is a script I wrote to let you fly around with the mouse in a computer game like fashion. You might want to customize it, but the basic settings are as follows:

ScrollLock : enable or disable mousefly

w,s,a,d keys : in, out, left, and right keys, similar to many computer game translation keys

q,e keys : up and down keys

Button 1 mouse drag : rotate camera

mouse scroll wheel : scale translate rate up or down (like "+" and "-" keys in speedfly)

Please feel free to fix bugs and make improvements and post them here.

— [frankie][1] September 07, 2007, at 04:36 PM

Change history

  • v1.0 - original "works for me" version


To install:

  1. download the file below into "userdata/gui"

  2. load it in the DOUG→GUI block of your "userdata/user.cfg", like so:

    DSP_CONFIG { POSTLOAD { "${USERDATA}/configs/user_models.cfg" }

        # Add or remove elements here that are included with DOUG
        # regardless of display context.  This is a good place for
        # standard menus that provide basic functionality and are not
        # simulation or facility specific
                mousefly    "${USERDATA}/gui/mousefly.tcl"

    … …
