Graphics.LsamPlume - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Lsam Plume

Plugin: dsp_lsamplume
Author: Tom Smith


The LSAM Plume plugin draws a vacuum style plume at a specified position beneath either stage of Altair. The plugin uses LSAM_STATE to store the state of the lander.


| * -engine_pos_upper | Position of upper stage plume | || | * -engine_pos_lower | Position of lower stage plume | | * -max_thrust | Maximum expected thrust in Newtons from the sim | | |

  • LSAM_STATE.x - 1: ascent stage, 2: descent stage, 999: debug mode
  • LSAM_STATE.y - Thrust level from sim (Newtons)
  • LSAM_STATE.Y - LSAM Plume transparency (0 - opaque, 1 - invisible)


LSAM Plume is driven from LSAM_STATE. During initial configuration, you will need to set the position of the base of the engine bell for the upper and lower stage using -engine_pos_upper, and -engine_pos_lower, respectively. LSAM_STATE.x commands LSAMPlume to use the upper or lower stage. Set LSAM_STATE.x to 999 to put it in debug mode to determine the best position to use for engine_pos_upper and engine_pos_lower. This will allow you to move LSAM_ENGINE_BELL_AXIS in EDGE to find the best setting for both upper and lower stages. Enter these values into the lsam_plume.cfg and then LSAM_STATE.x will correctly switch between upper and lower stage. Then set the -max_thrust parameter to the maximum thrust level (in Newtons) that the sim will command for the engine.

The sim will drive LSAM_STATE.x and LSAM_STATE.y for the stage and thrust level, and the plugin will then draw the plume beneath the top or bottom stage and command the transparency using the thrust level and plume transparency as an additional multiplier.