Graphics.FullscreenHelper2 - lordmundi/wikidoctest GitHub Wiki

Fullscreen Helper 2

This is a revised script which is based off of Brad’s original fullscreen helper script.

This new script will give you two right click menus allowing you to toggle a window to fullscreen and also toggle the menu-bar (aka, "blipper") on and off. The nice thing about this fullscreen mode is that it is multi-monitor aware, and also it allows you to retain keyboard and mouse focus so that you can still click menus and fly the camera with the keyboard.

To use, place in your $USERDATA/gui directory and then point to the script in the GUI block of your display context just like any other gui script (normally done in $USERDATA/user.cfg).

fullscreen_helper    ${USERDATA}/gui/fullscreen_helper2.tcl

Feel free to make customizations and additions and then share it here.

Attach:fullscreen_helper2.tclfrankie January 30, 2014, at 11:15 AM


frankie January 30, 2014, at 11:16 AM: We are considering adding this into a future release, so these right click options may already be there for you without downloading this script.

frankie March 20, 2014, at 03:40 PM: This will now be added into EDGE via Issue 00502